Zoning Meeting: Comprehensive Plan

What is the future of our community??? I learned a great deal of information at the hearing yesterday. I find it unfortunate that one of the MOST informed people was cut off at the meeting. I learned about something called a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN or Vision, if you will, for our community. It is something that we desperately need to preserve our living space and livelihood. I am absolutely APPALLED at the idea that
A. ONE person, count her ONE, has been chosen to represent the COMMUNITY and plan it.
B. the person "chosen" is doing this for a class project
C. a community member who has PLANNED before was not included, after offering her help several times.
D. as a MEMBER of this community I had NO idea that anyone was in charge of this.
I am an Educator and it is very frightening to think of a "student" being responsible for such an important undertaking as a plan for our community. Shouldn't a COMMUNITY GROUP plan for our future? I agree that 60 people cannot be on the planning committee, but a group of one is highly questionable. I am all for a "student" taking part in the process in order to complete her schooling, but I am vehemently OPPOSED to a student being the leader of said group. She seemed to state that she could not even start the work until January because of courses. The fact that she never returned the calls to the woman who offered to help does not sit well with me at all. We the Town of Spafford should NOT be a student's Guinea Pig.


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