Sapphire Prince

Name: Dane
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, thin but not un-muscular, Dane’s body is best described as athletic or that of a gymnast. When flexed Dane’s body is home to clear cut muscle definition but otherwise is not very large or overly impressive. When it comes to complexion Dane’s flesh changes based upon the season or where he is living. In the dead of winter he can appear porcelain white with a hint of rose in his cheeks but in the summertime, when the sun shines brightly Dane’s flesh is sun kissed and slightly golden. His hair is an average brown color that is often shaved down very close to the scalp. His eyes are a deep, sapphire blue which color only intensifies as he grows more powerful.
Defects: A scar about four inches long across the back of his skull.
Age: Young Adult
Name: 13
How I Found Shaman: RPG advertisements.
Magic: Electrical Manipulation.

Dane was a city boy. All of this foliage was a little too much for him. The pollen in the air plugged up his nose and coaxed tears from his eyes much easier than any smog he encountered back at home. Yes, having been raised amongst humans had made Dane a particularly strange fairy but that didn’t change the fact he wouldn’t take all the trees and flowers in the world over even a sniff of metal and cinder block. The reason he was here to begin with seemed to be a bit strange to even him, but there was no doubt there were things here Dane could never hope to find amongst the humans. Dane had traded a world of science and logic for one of magic and fantasy. While the change was refreshing for one with such thick fairy blood, he would’ve liked to have made the transition with something as simple as a clock radio…

Dressed from head to toe in clothes that were obviously not native to the land of Shaman Dane slowly made his way up the lush hillside of Shaman, gazing with awe at the beach below where crystal clear blue waves crashed against the porcelain sand. It had been such a long time since Dane had seen a place full of such beauty. While he had always loved the towering buildings that pierced the skylines in the human world there was something about the beauty of nature that felt native to him; as if something connected him to the land.

He gazed forth, the ruins that lay before him appeared to be very old, if not ancient. He shuddered at the idea of how many fairies had passed through his land before him. Moving towards one of the larger pillars that seemed to be still be mostly intact he laid his hand on the stone. For a moment he was shocked to find the stone was warm to the touch quite like a living creature. But as he felt the stone and became accustomed to it, it was evident what caused the pillar to seem so life like. The magic that breathed through the stone was undeniable and it reacted with his body in a way nothing in the city where he was raised ever did…He knew he was home, finally.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

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