During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


| fall.from.grace |

He could smell the velca's fear and he fed off it. Some part of him actually softened and for a small second, his sunkist gazers looked concerned, but that didn't last long before a glaze ruined the moment and they were back hard and cold. Hawk gave a quick little smile before his tirade began. He didn't know where it came from, really, it was just like he needed to use up some anger, some of the boiling inside. It just built and built and calm, cool words weren't doing anything for him anymore. He needed a release.

As soon as the last words left his maw, he had to admit, he did feel a little better, but it wasn't enough. He needed pain. The brutale looked speechless for a few moments but he decided to wait and see what she would want to say anyway. Maybe it would be entertaining at the least. She seemed to take her time, as if she was weighing each of the words she was about to say. He cocked his dial to the side in amusement and raised a brow, regarding her calmly. It was odd how he could change moods so quickly. She apologized, smart girl, and said she didn't know what a poodle was. Kong didn't really know either but he had heard it before as an insult to a wolf and had taken it for something weak and pitiful. He was never going to admit that he didn't know what it meant, though.

She seemed lost for words when she tried to explain why she had thought she was a member, it was about all he could take. He chucked his mug up and burst out into laughter, his pink muscle lolling out the side of his jaws as he brought his dial back down and finished off his chuckling. His voice took on a pathetic version of her own as his orbs widened in a fake innocent expression.

"Oh, you don't think much, then, do you?"

Laughing again, he grinned and continued in his regular tone.

"You misunderstood. I was welcoming you to Munashii, you are on the border and can see the territory, after all. It was presumptious and cocky of you to think that meant you were a pack member, though. Consider yourself a member on probation if you will, someone who definitely needs to prove their worth, and don't ask me for ideas, use your own imagination, if you even have one."

Grinning more, he flicked his banner as she seemed to be trying to think of something to redeem herself. Good luck with that one, he thought to himself. Again, a slight tremor ran through his frame as he watched her, a softness welling up that made him want to reach out to her, to let her know it was going to be okay. A very soft whine dripped from his lips before he knew it and the sound disgusted him, or rather a part of him. He snarled deep in his chest and looked up in time to see her trying a different approach, asking if there was any hope or if she should leave. The titan grinned again at that.

"Hm, I don't know. I guess there may be hope, but that's up to you and whatever you do from this time on."

With that, he stood to his paws and stretched before rolling his orbits in her direction and turning his back to her. Taking a few steps forward, he paused to look over his shoulder.

"Try not to disappoint me, welp."

Laughing again, he turned back to face his home and sauntered off at a jog until the darkness swallowed him whole.





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