Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

§•Of Noble Blood•§

The blonde brute uneasily widened his blue eyes as Bridgette got very mad, obviously jealous. His plan had worked.... she really did like him if she was angry with him flirting with the other female! But he couldn't help thinking about whether he had hurt her a little too much or not as she stormed off, eyes blazing. He gave a little cough and looked at Huntress as she flirted with him equally and motioned to go further into the woods. Lancelot looked at her for mere seconds or two before shaking his head, eyes narrowed. Sure, Huntress was pretty, but something clicked between him and Bridgette.

With a groan he sat up and then took to his feet, running after Bridgette. He noticed her looking very hurt and frustrated, he also had a sad look in his eyes seeing her like that. It was all an act. he whispered gently, his baby-blue eyes urging her to believe him. His beautiful golden pelt flew out in the night-time breeze as he spoke again. I wanted to see if you liked me too. he grinned down at her now, his tail swishing. Lancelot had truely uncovered how she felt, he was sure of it... but then his eyes broke contact with her as another male approached. He asked if Bridgette was OK. Lancelot let a jealous growl rise in his throat and he stood between the male and Bridgette, Bridge behind him. Leave. She's mine. he mouthed to the other wolf, even though that wasn't actually true. Lancelot drew to his full height, muscles rippling. This simply coloured grey and white brute was no match for his good looks! Bridge.. he murmered. This guy..uh... he's a murderer! We should run away together, now! he looked back at her, his lie sounding a tad genuine.


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