Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!


It had been a long time since Michangel's paws had touched any sort of land that could call itself Wolf Mountain. He had the curse of those wandering paws of his father and they had led him to a place that wasn't too pleasant. The collie had stumbled onto lands owned by humans and they knew he was a wild canine by looking at him, but, thanks to the collie blood in him, they thought he was strictly dog--some sort of mutt because a collie wouldn't have the cream coat with a red tint to it. If they had known he was a wolfdog, they probably would've shot him.

Instead, they slipped a collar around his neck and tried to train him to be a domesticated dog. It hadn't worked out too well and, in the end, he had escaped and ran off, hoping that he was headed in the right direction that would lead him home. It took him awhile, but here he was, he was home.

The collar was still around his neck, buried in his knotted fur, but he didn't care about it at the moment. He wanted to know where Thunderbird was. It was she that he had been looking for when he wandered off and now, who knew where she was.


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