until we see the shore;

name: theia
gender: female
appearance: theia has olive-toned skin and wavy dark hair as well as dark green eyes.
age: twenty
personality: she is reserved and thoughtful, though if agitated will not hesitate to speak out. she has somewhat of a sharp tongue that she may or may not be able to (or want to) control. she is fierce but loyal. she is very shy, quiet and very cautious.
history: theia was born into a warrior family. at a young age she was taught many ways of defending herself, including (but not limited to) wielding swords and spears. because of the success of her family and their power, another force overtook them and slaughtered nearly all of them, saving theia only because she was young. escaping was difficult, but was not impossible thanks to the magic amulet that her mother had given her before she passed. theia doesn’t know what the amulet does or what kind of magic it holds. ever since her escape, the amulet remains dormant and like every other piece of jewelry. orphaned and heartbroken, theia learned quickly to live on her own and to pass through towns and cities frequently, trusting no one. and now, she stumbles across the land of shaman.
sample: (from another rpg. I hope that’s okay?) Aravis felt the warm rays of the sun on her face, slowly coaxing her awake as light appears over the horizon. She blinks slowly, confusedly; as she lifts her head from the surface she was resting on, immediately realizing that she had fallen asleep against the arch of the window. Immediately her back and neck muscles screamed with protest as she straightens and Aravis groans miserably as she tries to stretch out her kinked muscles. Hwin was no longer next to Aravis, the young girl notices, but she quickly sees that the young grey tabby was romping around the tower, chasing whatever imaginary thing the kitten could think of.

The young girl’s stomach gnaws loudly and she smacks her lips, wiping the sleep from her eyes with a single hand. As she stood, her legs shaking slightly, she notices the sound of someone approaching. Her first thought was not that she could possibly get in trouble for spending time up here alone (Aravis was indignant and would shrug off any sort of scolding from her teachers), but that why someone would come to the tower when morning had just arrived.

He bursts into the room as if searching for something and Aravis doesn’t flinch. Her calm eyes watch him from her window, a curious and judgmental stare fixated on the older boy. Hwin, on the other hand, leaps into the air and yowls quietly, running and nestling into some blankets that were thrown on the floor, her eyes wide with excitement and fear. Her tail twitches unhappily behind her. His words were slurred as he shouts unnecessarily in her direction. Her dark eyebrows prick in amusement and she idly runs her fingers through her dark and waving hair, attempting to get the knots out from her fitful night of sleep.

“Do I?” she says casually. It was no improbable that he recognized her. Aravis, though quiet and reclusive, could be found around the school most frequently. She had no family to return to, so she spent most of her days exploring the castle and lingering in the background. She can smell the whiskey now and her dark eyes flicker to the bottle he clutches, his knuckles white from his grip. She says nothing about it, her eyes lifting to his. She can’t say that she remembers him from anywhere, but Aravis was oblivious and so she did not rule out the idea that perhaps they had met sometime before. Hwin had crawled away from her shelter of old blankets and now trapezes proudly around Aravis’ cloaked legs, weaving in between them with purrs of adoration. She was hungry. Aravis was as well, but the appearance of a intoxicated boy blocking her exit would have to be dealt with before they ate anything. Aravis didn’t mind. The dark-haired girl bends at the waist to nonchalantly stroke Hwin’s fur in comfort, whispering something to the feline beneath her breath.

“I’m Aravis,” she admits quietly, as if announcing her name would help him realize if he in fact knew her or not.

ooc: radar! i’ve roleplayed here before, a gazillion years ago. i doubt anyone will remember me. :3

i belong somewhere past the setting sun.

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