Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


curiosity killed the cat

The intruding scent hits me like a slap in the face and my hackles immediately rise from their perch on my spine as I lift to my paws and grunt a soft apology to Queens before turning and disappearing into the shadows of the forest surrounding the clearing in which we're holding the meeting. Did some dumbass really think that they could just waltz into Malignant without alerting the pack members? That's what noses are for, after all. I make my way swiftly toward the scent at a gallop, my paws lacking in noise as I rush forward, ears flattening to my skull. Finally I make out a female wolf following some sort of trail along the ground, or at least it seems to be what she's doing. Without warning, I burst through the trees, dropping my shoulder in mid launch as I aim to throw my whole bulk into her side and force her to the ground.

If I hit, we'll both roll but I'll roll further with my momentum. I plan to quickly get to my paws then and lunge to pin her to the ground with my paws, using my mass to hold her down as I cul my lips back fully, revealing a full set of weapons snarling just inches above her muzzle. If I miss and she dodges, I'll land on my paws and quickly turn to face her, lips already pulled back in a ferocious snarl as my golden eyes narrow in anger. I'll immediately charge her again, wanting her to know damn straight that no wolf just walks into Malignant's borders without an invitation. Of course Queens did send an invitation to new wolves wanting to join but I can tell already that this wolf is looking for someone and not the alpha. That business won't be tolerated without some sort of permission. The words roll off my tongue in another snarl. State your business here, intruder! Did you really think you would get the luck of being ignored? My eyes dare her to do anything other than answer obediantly or run for her miserable life.

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