Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


TROUBLE: middle name

I had taken my time in looking for Llorana again since the pack meeting. I was sure that she'd want her space for a while, a chance to really get to know the pack lands. Of course, it wasn't like I didn't want to look for her. Llorana has some kind of drawing effect on me, something I can't explain but I'm not complaining either. She's really fun to be around. I wonder what she'll think of my change over the past few weeks. It's like I ate a steroid or something, the way my body suddenly seems to have shot up in height. I'm not much for build yet, still quite gangly and lean, but I have a feeling in time that will change as well. Even so, I haven't lost any of my charm so to speak. The more I spent time away from the solid white female, the more I craved her company like a druggie needing his next fix.

I tried venturing out of Malignant for a little innocent fun only to find another young teen like myself just trying to make it in the world. She turned out to be quite boring and repetitive though so it wasn't long before I excused myself and ventured off to find something else to bide my time. All the girl wanted to do was TALK for Fenris' sake! And when she wasn't jabbing her jaws, she was wanting to run or jump in the lake or chase after butterflies, none of which sounded interesting to me at the time. I missed Llorana.

Finally I find myself venturing back within the borders, heavily intoxicated by the perfume of yours truly, also called Mother by me and several others. I had hoped to get a chance to pick on one or two of my litter mates at the last pack meeting but that didn't turn out except for Nyrobi showing up. Ugh, she's such a bore. If only my brother Ariston had found it fit to show, maybe then I could have at least had someone to wrestle with. He does tend to stick close to my own weight, anyway so it could be a challenge. Keyword: could. I also wanted the chance to meet one of my older litter mates, the sisters from another father. You would think that would be harder since I have not one but two sets of male DNA running through my system but alas Queens did the very possible for her and had a litter with a male before she even knew Arcadian. I think she might have known Sidorio by then, after all, they are old chum buddies.

I make a silent path back around toward the borders when I come across an interesting scent: Llorana. What's she doing there? She's already accepted. Slightly puzzled and more than a little curious, I follow her trail, nostrils twitching, flesh already tingling at her familiar perfume. I keep my head low and my body language submissive while I track her, not wanting to call attention to myself. It's not like my coat colors don't already. How many tri colored wolves do you know? Well, besides my litter mates of course. They don't count though cause I'm way cooler. Not my fault though, blame it on the mixture of three very different wolves. Queens with her black and brown coat threw on the main picture followed by a deep splash of Sidorio's unique scarlet color from his Demonican lineage. Oh, thanks for the blood lust too by the way, Daddy. Oh and add in a splash of Arcadian's white coat here and there with bright blue eyes and you got...well, me.

It isn't long before I take on the view through peeks of the branches, making out Llorana's off white coat a mile away. The other coat is unknown to me as is it's wearer. I can smell the tang of testosterone enough to cause a wave of jealousy in my eyes before I simmer it down, wanting to appear as cool and collected as possible. After all, Llorana's not my property and she's fully capable of charming the male species herself, why keep her to myself? Yeah, even my insides are growling at that thought. Shaking it away mentally, I lift my head and tail some, wanting to show that I may not hold official rank here but I was born and raised here and I'm important. At the male's return words, I make my move, entering their sight as I walk right out of the shadows, head held high, bright blue eyes already measuring the other male up. Sure, he may be older but I have more pull here.

I'll be the judge of that. The words roll off my tongue like honey as I approach, giving Llorana a quick glance to see her reaction before my gaze returns to the male. I walk right up to him, circling around behind him, all the while staying out of reach but still raking my attentive gaze over his form as I walk around. Once I finally get back to the fore front, I turn back around to face the male, spinning on my heel and giving him a confident smirk. You're not too bad looking I guess. Vingi huh? I'm Nikandros, son of Queens, Arcadian, and Sidorio. Yeah it's a mouthful.


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