Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


fly h i g h conclusion

Scarcely had Tamlin finished speaking to the multi-toned demon known as Tarous did a snicker of laughter divert his mildly amused gaze to the lanky femmora known as Skyscraper. His dominant aura did not falter, despite the fact that a tinge of confusion laced his thoughts as she stood to her full (and quite impressive) height and strode over so she was barely a yard away from him. His ears, the only part of his being that ever showed his emotions, twitched, as always, slightly before swivelling forward to catch her soft lyrics as they were breathed quietly toward the said towers. The white hessian let a smile curve his muzzle, expressing his emotions clearly and well. His smirk faded into a more serious expression as the humorous edge to her voice dissipated and was replaced with a more earnest tinge as she added her last bit of speech. He gave a slow wag of his snowy plume in response and would have said something else had she not turned and walked to the other side of the clearing. His banner, having concluded it's little spasm of squirming, flipped back into it's position over his back.

He smelled something, no, someone, coming. His stoic expression and stance didn't change much as he waited for the femma whose scent he had detected to come into view. It took quite a long time, as if the wolfess was sneaking along. Perhaps she was. For less bold wolves it would seem a bit nerve-wracking to cross the border of an unfamiliar pack land, especially if she hadn't heard the howl and was going by her nostrils alone. He waited quietly for her to arrive, and, within a few more minutes, his patience was awarded. An ivory fea crept into the moon-washed clearing, her posture submissive. Her tail was hanging and her ears slanted as she padded toward him. She took the space that Skyscraper had just vacated and used it as her spot to submit. She, like the other joiners, lowered herself onto her back and flopped into extreme submission, baring her jugular and exposing her tender stomach area to all of the gathered wolves. She let a small, nervous smile grace her features, a smile that, as Tamlin noted, did not reach her eyes, as the emerald pools remained just as anxious as before the expression had crossed her face. Tamlin's own facial was devoid of anything obvious, but not in a mean way. Around other wolves he just had a tendancy to revert to a poker-face, something which could seem uncanny, but, to him, was just second nature. By this time, Rio and Raylen at least had probably gotten used to it, but he didn't know of anyone else who would have seen him at enough meetings to discern that strange fact about him. “You may rise, Rhea.” His lilting cadences hit the clearing once more as he addresses the russet-masked girl who had laid herself before him.

The crimson male, Demon Moon, had responded politely to his request and was now speaking to him. Upon hearing that he would be among those chosen for the hunt, he had evidently decided to be courteous and respond with a polite set of words. Tamlin, having no decent reply for his chosen words, simply gave the boy a quick nod of acknowledgement before shifting his attention over to Koa, who seemed to be daydreaming about something. Because of her preoccupation, she evidently hadn't noticed that her name had been mentioned, and if she had, she was thinking about something far more interesting. He was a tad exasperated by her carefree nature (she was almost as bad as Rio for thinking about random things...), but he still found himself to be inclined toward amusement rather than irritation about any ditziness that being a ponderer of many deep thoughts could cause to occur.

Omni Cader, upon hearing that he was to be in charge of the pack, took the news coolly as ever, it was evident that he had indeed noticed what was going on, although he didn't say anything needlessly, instead merely giving a stately inclination of his pale cranium. Tamlin could rely on the turquoise eyed masculi to keep the pack in check while he was out with his selected band. He turned his attention away from the male as he slunk over to talk to Skyscraper and as she responded he still did not fix his eyes on them. Instead, he spoke to the wolves as a whole once more. “I will call the hunting team in an hour.” With that, he gave one last, lingering glance to every wolf around him before pivoting on heel and vanishing into the trees, which were beginning to be brushed with dawn's light. He was slightly fatigued from his all-nighter. It was strange to hold meetings under the cover of darkness, but Tamlin did it in remembrance of his lady, who always used to do the same. No matter how strange it was, he would always remain holding them under the stars.


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