Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


as the sun meets the moon

“If only, if only, the woodpecker sighs. The bark of the tree was as soft as the skies.”

A wraith; unattached to the earth he walked, ghostly in movement as between the trees his white pelt flashed, a tainted silk. Nothing happening below affected him, so was his state of in-between that the whisper of breath that slipped from his black lips did naught but rustle the very tip of the new growth, confused to why against its own commands it should be shaking such a way, when no source could be found. Cautiously, he slipped among the weeds, feeling as if in another world, the feather light touches tracing his flanks. The sky above was a murky dark, dank with the hidden seeds of enmity for this trespasser of the lands. From them sprouted such hate and terror, a whole past of evil and madness contained within the terra spiraling into his soul, poisoning the very air he breathed. These seeds lie in wait, a cat crouching in the blackness, with thorns for claws as they ripped into his skin and tore out his life-blood. He saw the precipice before him but could not come to a clattering halt in time, so he leaped off the edge of oblivion, ignoring the pain of the deep-rooted vines that brutally, and in one heart-stopping yank, tore out his soul.

She drifted away like a leaf caught on the wind, her somber smile vile and yet devastatingly beautiful upon her mask of ivory and obsidian fur; his soul. And he leapt away from it with all the power he possessed in his limber appendages, straining against the tethers that bound him to the edge like vises, holding him helpless in their clutches. Her smile, so welcoming and disconcertingly dire, was warning of things to come, warning of a future fraught with the everlasting cycle of uncertainty that was his mental and emotional stability. I am a hypocrite, liar, cheat, robber, fraud. It begged. I am only a wolf.

She was only a wolf. But no, she hadn’t been. She had been his soul, in which one stores hurts and brutality that he or she has accumulated over the years, trusting that in their ownership they will be safeguarded within the stores of each thrumming chest. All the emotion had no dam when she left; it rushed over him in a fury, spilling into his heart and his veins, icing his precautions that had precipitated from his travels abroad. Then, he had stepped carefully, lightly treading around the sleeping beast of death as though it could at any moment open its broad jaws and sweep over the solo wanderer. He had examined its fearful, roiling eyes of flames and pain, but within him roared a purpose possessive as a lion, controlling his mind and his actions, fighting over the lurking tendrils of everlasting sleep.

Omni had no such reservations now.

His mind was no longer the place it had once felt, playing through the past like a broken record until daydreams of the type that plagued him at the current moment resulted. The lazily floating bubble popped with a snap, exploding into his crystalline optics, nature’s call back to reality. The image he sustained of her in the strangely bloated water droplet dissipated along with it, giving the world a deathly quiet air. Even the brook, which flowed by strangely sluggish due to a conspicuous lack of rain, muted against the buzzing of his ears. Despite the water being so low it would still work. Slipping one paw beneath the surface, the buzzing intensified the mingling of voices that began with the scornful tone of Sombra, to the understanding lyrics of Raylin and Tamlin. Uncertain, he began to tread water, weightless while bearing the weight of the world. His life had ended when she had decided to stop it. Unofficially. So what was stopping him? No more than a shell, unable to carry through with a single admission though his delta status demanded it of him. Unable to eat, unable to sleep, unable to live a life that so clearly ended one way.

Technically, all lives end one way. There was a life to be lived, out among the physical manifestations of love and acceptance that consolidated into family. Each and every one of them would meet the same fate as he, but they had yet to truly fall in love, yet to live. Because when their significant other died completely from their life, that would be when they would meet their end. There was no living without love, and no dying without sacrifice.

He ducked beneath the surface, and he saw heaven.

Fractured rainbows slicing against his cornea, awash with the colors of the sea in spectacular alternating rays of green and aqua, and a peculiar shard of gold that dominated all like a knife through the very fabric of his reality. Looking up, one had only to see bubbles dancing in frantic bursts of life before they popped, each separate explosion so violent, but as part of a cohesive whole, never yearned for, as another took its place. Wherever she was, she would find love. But he had no one left who could forgive him for his mistakes, only whatever lay above the frothing transparent ceiling that was to be his final barrier to the sky. The sky that they had admired fervently with praises thick with sincerity. Why was such purity so hard to come by, now? His mouth opened in lament, and water gushed in towards his lungs, down his nostrils, filling every pore of his being with something akin to relief. Automatically, his hind paws were straining against the gravelly bottom, and he burst to the surface like a cork.

He looked up and he saw heaven.

Universally recognized, heaven is something yearned for, aspired to achieve, but never truly accepted until the time draws near. Just beyond the reach of intelligence and physical being, buried in hearts desperate to experience everlasting and fulfilling life. Here was his heaven, tangible, laughing raucously, without a care, as around her flower perfume blossomed up in balloons of fragrance. No smell had ever even approached the beautiful delicacy of hers, but to see her, frolicking in nature’s finest creation, somehow seemed fitting. Even in different worlds her every detail perfectly fine, ebon hairs sticking out in relief against the lazuli sky; mismatched eyes only appearing so when they ingested the fullness of the light. Was this death? The current had carried him farther downstream than he had anticipated, bringing him to a place full to the brim with happiness and joy; a place he had been avoiding.

Was this a dream?

He stumbled out onto the bank carefully, his limbs suddenly bogged down with sloth-like movements reminiscent of the first time he had apologized to her. When her castle had been a cave, and her protection mountains of stone. Now she bore forth herself innocently, this was her home. She was home. Omni was assured this had to be real, the bees were buzzing louder than his thoughts (which had fallen strangely silent) and he had no memories of her with which to conjure this image. Never before in daylight had he seen her as a young pup would, strutting until she could no more, with bugles falling from her lips and lean legs in a tangle from rolling in the flowers. The anger that had been boiling since she had left burnt itself out, unable to sustain anything but longing at her flawless form, back where it should be. They would have much to talk about later. They would hopefully have the rest of their lives to figure things out, but for now:

“Satowra!” Shaking the water from his pelt as he went, the ivory male ran full pelt towards her, skidding in the scattered petals like a pup on his first trip outside, laughing as he hadn’t since the first time they’d met.

“The wolf waits below, hungry and lonely. And cries to the moon, if only, if only.”

[ OOC: oh my gosh. Don’t yell at me/please. This is an awfullllllllllllll post and I can’t believe it’s actually going on BF., But it is, and I am not going to stop myself. I MISSED MEH SATOWRA-KINS<3 They’ll get better from here ^_^ CASJ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING BACK<33333 oh and uh, yeah ya you may be rusty (by your standards. As usual, I thought your post was brilllliant:), I get that, but I don’t have an excuse for this post so urm…yeah let’s just say I was busy? Thinking of, uhm, trees? I<3trees. Okay, so it’s late and I’m going to post this before I can stop myself and I’m going to bed. Love ya(: we missed youuu <3omegachan and omnicadeface]


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