Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven nor Hell

| vixen | adult | loveless | delta of Bright Moon | Played by Fantasia

Tamlin's words echoed in my delicate audettes, becoming more and more surreal by the minute as I processed them through my thick skull. The husky voice of the ivory regal's had stated that he had promoted me to delta. Well, let me just say: I wasn't expecting that. From what I had heard, Omni Cader was delta last time, but he had I seen him that whole time? Nope; I guess it was time to bring some new faces into the bunch. I let a thankful smile across my palette show as I loped through the brush. Sadly though, Tamlin has officially spoken to say he will be absent for a while, reasons being unknown. Curious enough, but either way he had left Rio and Raylen in charge- his beta and gamma. Well, they have been there longer than I have. I'll live with. Giggling slightly, which is something I usually never do, I weave my way through the trees around the border, doing a quick border patrol. There was no doubt that my King would call a pack meeting when he returned, especially because me and Twilight had taken down the pack meal, which hopefully wouldn't go bad by the time he returns, and also to announce the ranks to just about everyone. I had no problem with it, whether he restated the ranks or not, I was happy with what I had. Sooner or later everyone would find out what I was, the new delta of course!

Silently, my nose brushed the ground, taking in the scents that had filled the area since I was away at the pack hunt. Man, I have to admit it, I missed this place. For a few days I had rested my exhausted limbs, being that there was only me and the new episilon to take down the does, all other bastards had left us to do the work. But it all worked out, leaving me and Twi to rest till we were strong enough to get back up onto our feet; I knew the vixen's leg would take some more time to heal though, considering she had a minor injury. Nothing too bad in my eyes, but yet I still cared for the gal's health. As of now, I was wandering the lands aimlessly. Okay, maybe not without direction; I was actually heading towars the group of Abendrot's wolves, who were invading our land like we never existed. A snarl came to my throat at the thought, but I knew they must have a particular reason. Taking a deep breath, I found myself halting rather quickly. Digging my talons into the ground, I narrowed my eyes slightly as I smelt the presence of yet another newcomer. Alright, mostly everyone is at the group with Abendrot, leaving practically just about no ranked wolf to manage the borders. Guess it's up to me then, eh? Changing directions reluctantly, I only kept my pace at a slow trot, not rushing nor going so slow that the varg at the border's patience would wear thin. I nearly snorted; Patience. That was something you had to learn to keep under control, and so far I have had good control over mine, but just how well are the other's?

The soft sound of paws hitting the surface of the earth caught my attention, causing my delicate audettes to perk up on my cranial, followed by the faint panicked breaths. What the hell? Peeking from the brush as I halted, I thanked the wind for being on my side, carrying the perfume of the stranger at the borders away from her and towards my own. The ivory ess seemed shaky, as though she had just witnessed a murder and was now unable to keep ahold of her emotions and reactions. Peculiar in a way; mostly because everyone has their own stories to tell, including me. I grew up in a pack where tears were shed and blood stained the terra firma, long scars taking their own rightful place under my ebon fur, but I wasn't complaining am I? Hell, I was this rude even before I was taken on by my parents. Cowardly bastards. They had enough nerve to confront us in front of the whole pack: Both me and my sister, Fantasia, were attacked, only me getting out with more crimson marks on my skin, but my sibling's leg had been broken. Oh mercy, that horrible sound. Just the snapping of the tender, delicate bone as my father's jowls clamped down on her leg. That was enough to send me into a frenzy-pure hatred in my gaze as I leaped for his own neck, not giving him enough time before my teeth clenched his jugular. No-I didn't kill him, he was my father for Fenris's sake, but that was enough to warn him. We escaped without any more trouble from the two leaders, never to see them again. Since then, I do say I am a bit tougher, maybe a bit hard headed, but I'm still me. Never going to change.

A soft, hesitant howl reawakened me from my reveries, causing me to nearly snarl out loud. Luckily I held it back in time, calming myself down. 'Hello, I'm standing right here, you don't need to fucking let loose your annoying song. I get enough of those each day.' I grumbled lightly in my mind before stepping out from the brush at the same moment the young fatale slid down to her stomach, rolling over submissively. Well, well. If she wouldn't have called for a presence, then I would have said this was the easiest of all greetings by now. "You are at Bright Moon borders; Tamlin is away for the time being, leaving Rio and Raylen in charge; gamma and beta in that order. As of right now, I am Ambrosia, delta of this domain." Stepping forward, I pressed my paw on her shoulder to see how she would react; something I took to as though I could not fully show my dominance considering I was not in charge. After a moment, I lifted my weight and stepped back. "Rise and state your name, stranger." So far so good. Definetly going better than my last newcomer encounter. I was glad to leave that blind bitch for Rio and Raylen to deal with; accepting her into the lands only for the later amusement. She -along with this new fae- would eventually have to submit to the beta or gamma, or perhaps Tamlin if he arrives back in time, just to make their stay in these lands official. As of now, this one is in my dominant presence, and I await her response with patience.



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