Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Try to take me (reserved for dee)

warning must read in brittish accent. :)

First things first, I am Brittish. So many wolfs used to ask me that and I am tired of answering. Although I do not talk to anybody anymore, and have completely become anti-social after my mother and father only dieing a week ago. I have talked to nobody, I will do my best to try to make sure of this. My name? My name is Taylor, just in case you were wondering. By just the way you hear me speak the first thing that will come to your ming is depression. Yes I am a pup and in most cases pups are young wild and free, as some Americans like to say. I personally believethat pups are carefreeand like to frolic around with their heads up in the clouds. All cases but mine that is, I know the world does not revolve around me but when it was just me and my parents to me thats how it seemed and that is how it truely was. Like it was only us in the world. My parents were stupid and careless, I didn't think that about them a couple weeks ago but that was when they were alive.

Thats just how I feel and I can't help it. Im not sure what happened but I woke up one morning and went outsude by the 'spring' outsude our den. It was a ritual that we have always done, and I didn't make it five feet outside before I saw them laying there on the cold hard ground lifeless. The cause of death? Their jugulars had been ripped open. You really think I handled it well? No pup would.

How could they have been so stupid? They left me in this harsh world all alone and it really scares me. What I might face terrifies me , and just knowing the face that I have to live here all alone is one of the worst things I will have to experience. Yes I know that I could have been adopted, and truthfully I still can Its just that I have come to face the truth. Parents always leave you when you need them the most. So obviously that mean that I have decided against going to this stupid meadow where parents are supposed to adopt you. On my journey into Blossom forest and to Misty Mountian I have figured out that it is best to walk under the treeline, in the shadows where nobody will notice you .. unless they are absolutely looking for you. Me personally I walk with my head down, just so I don't have to see all of the happy wolfs walking by.. wishing that it was me. If a wolf somehow notices me ,which seldomly happens I usually keep walking. But if they keep fallowing at me I look up at them and curse old Brittish words and walk off.
I don't blame everyone for my loss, I just blame myself and my parents. Wolfs who have managed to catch a glimpse of me all say something about my eyes deep depression, sarrow.. the list foes on and on and on all wolfs say the same thing, but if your parents left you wouldn't your eyes reflect something simular? Out of all the wolves who have stopped me which is only a list of about five to ten, only one I had the nerve to talk to without all of the cursing. Big deal right? Also the only reson I talked to him was to see which way was to this place called blossom.

I have realized that its best to keep walking, and say nothing at all. If tried showing my emotions to wolves there would be no way they could possibly understand the form of depression that is growning inside of me. I could never forget there faces.. the blood.. the hunk of meat that was missing from their throats. In my state of depression that I am in, wolfs can easily influence me. What I truely mean by that is I won't do something that I don't want to, but if I hang out with a group of nice wolfs then Im going to end up being nice; If I hang out with cruel wolfs then they could make me cruel. I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at here. I sit down because my paws are terribly sore, I haven't slept in a couple of days and I really think its starting to get to me. The cause of me not wanting to sleep if because if you knew you were going to have nightmares everytime you closed your eyes to take even the littlest snooze would you still close them? I see there lifeless faces even when I blink so imagine how I feel. My paws are beginning to hurt like bloody hell from all the walking I have done in the last couple days, so I decide to take a little rest. Im at a place called Misty Mountian. Here its cold, but at least since I am under the treeline Im not sitting in deep snow. I lean my head up against the stree that I am sitting next to. I have to concentrate hard not to go to sleep.
I have been on the move nonstop since the death of my parents. I try my best not to think of them, how stupid they were. To be honest the pain has been difficult to bare. I feel like air, not really anything but at the same time I still exist. So alone. So helpless. Can't really fend for myself. I have managed to eat little, but at least its something right? My stomache is in pain from hunger, and since I am still a pup I am not that good of a hunter. I lean my head up against a large tree, wincing. Its hard to believe that a pup could have depression, but if you knew how close we were.. if you just knew. Obviously there are different forms of it. Mine is all in my head, I hear voices sometimes when nobody is around, I usually get no sleep for I am truely afraid of what goes on in my head, I usually get little food.
warning must read in brittish accent. :)

First things first, I am Brittish. So many wolfs used to ask me that and I am tired of answering. Although I do not talk to anybody anymore, and have completely become anti-social after my mother and father only dieing a week ago. I have talked to nobody, I will do my best to try to make sure of this. My name? My name is Taylor, just in case you were wondering. By just the way you hear me speak the first thing that will come to your ming is depression. Yes I am a pup and in most cases pups are young wild and free, as some Americans like to say. I personally believethat pups are carefreeand like to frolic around with their heads up in the clouds. All cases but mine that is, I know the world does not revolve around me but when it was just me and my parents to me thats how it seemed and that is how it truely was. Like it was only us in the world. My parents were stupid and careless, I didn't think that about them a couple weeks ago but that was when they were alive.

Thats just how I feel and I can't help it. Im not sure what happened but I woke up one morning and went outsude by the 'spring' outsude our den. It was a ritual that we have always done, and I didn't make it five feet outside before I saw them laying there on the cold hard ground lifeless. The cause of death? Their jugulars had been ripped open. You really think I handled it well? No pup would.

How could they have been so stupid? They left me in this harsh world all alone and it really scares me. What I might face terrifies me , and just knowing the face that I have to live here all alone is one of the worst things I will have to experience. Yes I know that I could have been adopted, and truthfully I still can Its just that I have come to face the truth. Parents always leave you when you need them the most. So obviously that mean that I have decided against going to this stupid meadow where parents are supposed to adopt you. On my journey into Blossom forest and to Misty Mountian I have figured out that it is best to walk under the treeline, in the shadows where nobody will notice you .. unless they are absolutely looking for you. Me personally I walk with my head down, just so I don't have to see all of the happy wolfs walking by.. wishing that it was me. If a wolf somehow notices me ,which seldomly happens I usually keep walking. But if they keep fallowing at me I look up at them and curse old Brittish words and walk off.
I don't blame everyone for my loss, I just blame myself and my parents. Wolfs who have managed to catch a glimpse of me all say something about my eyes deep depression, sarrow.. the list foes on and on and on all wolfs say the same thing, but if your parents left you wouldn't your eyes reflect something simular? Out of all the wolves who have stopped me which is only a list of about five to ten, only one I had the nerve to talk to without all of the cursing. Big deal right? Also the only reson I talked to him was to see which way was to this place called blossom.

I have realized that its best to keep walking, and say nothing at all. If tried showing my emotions to wolves there would be no way they could possibly understand the form of depression that is growning inside of me. I could never forget there faces.. the blood.. the hunk of meat that was missing from their throats. In my state of depression that I am in, wolfs can easily influence me. What I truely mean by that is I won't do something that I don't want to, but if I hang out with a group of nice wolfs then Im going to end up being nice; If I hang out with cruel wolfs then they could make me cruel. I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at here. I sit down because my paws are terribly sore, I haven't slept in a couple of days and I really think its starting to get to me. The cause of me not wanting to sleep if because if you knew you were going to have nightmares everytime you closed your eyes to take even the littlest snooze would you still close them? I see there lifeless faces even when I blink so imagine how I feel. My paws are beginning to hurt like bloody hell from all the walking I have done in the last couple days, so I decide to take a little rest. Im at a place called Misty Mountian. Here its cold, but at least since I am under the treeline Im not sitting in deep snow. I lean my head up against the stree that I am sitting next to. I have to concentrate hard not to go to sleep.
I am glad that my ivory pelt blends in with the snow, my brown eyes blends in with the trees. I should go unnoticed. But honesetly who knows what will happen, honestly I have been wrong before. Why is it that I have the feeling that I am being watched? My lookers search the area all around the tree, and myself. You ever have the feeling that somethings out there, you can't see it or hear it but at the same time you know that it is there? What is it that the Americans call it ? Oh yes De-ja-vu. I don't know how or why, but I know there is a wolf who isn't too far from me but I know that they know that I am here. They may have been tracking me, or maybe just seen me pass by but whichever it is I'm keeping my guard up. My muscles are tensed and my hackles are raised. I may be small , but I am not afraid to fight my predator off if need be.


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