Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven is overrated

The ivory lass sat quietly keeping all contact to a minimum. Blue orbs locked to the ground, all the wolves made her uneasy. It was strange to be surrounded by other wolves, at least ones that didn't wish for her head. If you looked at her you could easily see the unease. Her tail was wrapped around her, ears pulled back and body held in a stressed level. Wolves poured in, many new comers. It made her nervous. She listened to them talk uncaring of the stress levels she was enduring. But somehow it made her feel safer, having no one acknowledge her or care. If any one of them talked to her it would be akward. She would have no way to talk to them without something going wrong and them disliking her. Something she couldn't take much more of. It might break her down.

Before long the conversations stopped. Tsu sensed it and so did Tamalin. The alpha dismissed the meeting and led them to the clearing where they would spar. Slowly she stood and scurried off following him wanting to get away as soon as possible. Her tail was low but not tucked. The ivory girl kept a respectful distance between herself and Tamalin. They would speak soon. Maybe. It was up to him to decide if they spoke or not. But what ever happened it would be ok. It was a silent trip nothing much went on. She had her crown low but looked up just enough to see where she was going. There was no words she could manage. Just silence and a lump stuck in her throat. But that's the side affects of the trauma she endured.

Before long they entered the clearing. All the others weren't far behind her. Tamalin stopped and waited until everyone made it. Sitting she never locked eyes with him. Just kept silent and looked around. There was plenty of space for wolves to spar. Maybe she would maybe she wouldn't, she couldn't decide yet. She didn't want to hurt anyone and get nto trouble making everyone hate her, there was already enough wolves hating her. Before long the wolves filed in and sat down. Some discussed being partners and what not, no one asked her. She looked down but didn't complain. It wasn't long before the ivory alpha spoke up. Telling everyone to spar amongst each other and to not hurt anyone. Then he looked at her with a nod and stated he would be back. She got up and followed him as they got enough distance that no one else would hear. She looked down and struggled to find words. " I wanted to tell you about where I came from. If it came out any other way many wouldn't trust me. Cus only I know the true story, well there are two others but they want me dead. I grew up in a pack far from blossom. It was a nice place and all. I had my father, mother, and sisters. Only one thing made us different then the rest. My father and mother were the alphas. I was first born, thus next in line for there were no boys. My parents favored me, and spoiled me. My youngest sister didn't mind, though the middle had grown jealous. In the end I had grown up to be a brat. Everyone hated me but couldnt do a thing about it cus they feared my father. I often made him cover for the trouble I brought. One day I disobeyed my parents and wandered outside the parklands. I met a handsome young boy. I was ignorant and couldn't see things right. So I fell in love and stupidly told him who I was. I never noticed the look in his eyes till it was to late. We became inseparable, he spoiled me and I was so dumb. One day he met my sister. I noticed they were talking, a lot. Before long i couldn't find him. I went searching for him and found my sister waiting for me. She threw me to the ground and shoved me into something. That something was our dead little sister. I was covered in her blood. And that was the plan. My mate came out from no where and instantly yelled for help. Though he knew what happened. They staged me up. Killed her, made it look like I did it, then had everyone come and witness . Everyone come. My mother, father, the pack. All in horror and shock. They were furious. So mad they were ignorant to check the body for the scents. All the knew was I was bloody, they hated me, and my sister and mate told them I did it. My father held me on trial. No matter how many times I told them no one believed me. Not even my father nor mother. Only two knew the truth and they were the ones that caused it. In the end they didn't kill me, but they exiled me. Chasing me far from the lands. Until eventually they let me be. I was alone. My world had flipped. It was the first time I'd had to fend for myself. I realized fully what happened in those days alone. Nobody liked me. Even the loners I met wouldn't talk to me or even accept me. They attacked me and forced me to run. I changed into the way I am today. Unable to trust many. I needed someone to know the truth because recently I heard my sister and her mate killed my mother and father. Taking the pack. They never got over me and have made a permanent search party just for me. Some made their way here. I almost ran into them. They were ment to find me capture me and take me back for death. If they can't then they are to ruin my life, telling the side of the story only they know. They were following me recently. I don't know what I would do if I hadn't told you and they did. If I was once again exiled. Being alone again would drive me to the break." her voice was hesitant, finishing here long story. Never once did she look up, not knowing how to face him. Though a small weight seemed to be lifted from her. Someone knew, maybe he understood.


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