Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


hands up;; and touch the sky

s t a r s h i p s were meant to fly;
hands up and touch the s k y

My paw slowly began to guide itself to cover my head, which now rested peacefully. Something in me was uneasy, but hell, all i cared about right now was getting some damn rest. My eyes closed, and only for a single second, my body lay still, relaxed at its most and drifted off into a nice sleep, which i hadn't enjoyed in a long while. The stone beneath me was no longer cold; my white coat was swift and played, dancing with the wind, and my bells only swayed for a second. The smell of another wolf woke me from my one second sleep. My damn sleep! My eyes remained closed, and i began to escape that dizzy-feeling sleepy stage. My body woke up, as fast as it could, but you know. Exhaustion. That shit does creepy stuff to you yo. My white body shifted slightly, heavy eyelids slowly opened to reveal my ever so bright azure gaze, and my head began to lift itself. Twin towers rose, listening to the approached wolf. My mind was damn quick, see, I'm that kind of wolf. Quick to respond, whether its from my own orders or from my Leader's. This was not my leader. I am still a lone wolf.

I commanded my body to lift itself up, to move out of the way, and to launch out as well towards this wolf who threatened me. Was i scared? Of course not. Living in an 'evil' pack, well, that kinda means wolves like this are extremely common. I myself, did enjoy to 'play' with others, but not quite in this style. See, i like to party. Apparently, there would be no party tonight. Poo. The wolf stalked around me, and just as my body finally began to snap out of it's exhaustion, i began to slowly stand, and tense my muscles, letting a growl echo within my throat. My face and eyes showed only the truth; no fear or panic were hidden within my white mask. As i had said, wolves like this were what i lived with for my whole life. My parents were like that! Nothing made this any different.

Just as my jaw began to open for words, she launches again. I swear to freakkin' Fenrir, everything was like slow motion. The way i tried to move aside, but my body being too damn weak. You know what? So far, this place was annoying. No place for me to take a nap. and now i was some kind of Prisoner for a pack named Abendrot? Well, i bet now they'll all laugh and spit right on my pretty white face. If only i had been able to sleep for an hour, i would have easily dodged the push. But NOOOO, apparently, Starship is a prisoner! Starship the new white fae is weak! Starship can't take a nap! Now, my muscular build lay on the floor while this other fae wrapped her jaws around me. Ok?

Really, i felt like there was no point in that. I'm on the floor already as it is. My face displayed a look of annoyance and in a way boredom. Sleep. Sleep. That's all i wanted to do. As she releases her jaws and holds me down with her paws, I lay there, not even trying to do anything. hurry the fuck up i think to myself as i lay there. My icy blue gaze looks up and finally, i speak "Ok. let's get this goin'. I ain't got all day ya know" I respond, and began walking. Where to? Fuck, i don't know! Though, She has a slight scent of an area, and i began to simply head on over to where i am to. I skip down the rocks, to the foot of Misty Mountain. My body shakes bits of dirt off, and my shining pelt is revealed. My tail lightly wags. Maybe i should be scared, but you know? I'm not. Evil Evil Evil, Bloodthirsty beasts blaahhh. I'm a young adult, i think i am used to this by now.

I begin to walk to where my nose leads me. Maybe they have food there! But perhaps as a prisoner, i wouldn't even be allowed a bite. Once again, POO. Perhaps as soon as i get there and her eyes are off my ass, i can take a nice big dump. Or you know, keep it lady like. Either sounds fun. Though, it is such a shame; a wolf like me would probably be great to have in their ranks. Why? Well, not to toot my own horn, but i'm loyal, great hunter, and do as commanded without a question. Now, who wouldn't like that?



sorry it took me sooooo damn long to get this up! i had my post written on my phone, and when i was gunna post it yesterday i re-read it and was like 'wow..... this is sad' so i decided to do a re write xD not much better, but it's something to start with! Uhmm... do you just wanna post your reply in Abendrot? XD

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