Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


xMurder over Lovex

Mufasa padded up and up the mountain, somehow he knew that Sarabi had told someone,he could see and hear a black wolf following him at a slow, comfortable pace,waiting for Mufasa who was running,to run out of breath or reach the top,he panted heavily,but kept going, he let his mind wander,Sarabi-he shouldn't have hurt her.. Simba,Malka,Hadharani-he'd never see them grow up.... Tojo-he was sorry for him,he might grow strong one day,he'd never see... Uru-she was beautiful and he'd never really know his only daughter..
He kept running though his paws hurt and he could see the top,his breath rasped and snow began to fall softly,the bitter hot-cold bite on his nose,the night stars shimmered and turned pale,a ghostly dribble of pink inking the skyline,he sighed heavily as his paws suddenly finding no more ground and then he stopped,and whirled around to face-Taka!
'You? What are you doing?'
A mad glint shone in Takas eyes and a drip of saliva hung from his mouth.
'You took my family from me.'he said coldly and matter-of-factly and then he sprang at Mufasa,who growled fiercely and caught his eye with a sharp claw,Taka yowled as blood poured from the green orb and fell back.
Mufasa stepped towards the edge and smiled madly.
'Goodbye,Scar,brother so dear.'
And he stepped of the edge and the body of a magnificent wolf flew through the air...and landed with a smack.
Scar howled with fury and ran off..
Simba arrived at the bottom 15 minutes later to see coyotes picking at his fathers body,the coyotes snarled curling their blood stained lips and Simba ran away tearfully...


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