Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven nor Hell [ Tamlin~ ]

| Female | Adult | Mate to None | Beta of Bright Moon | Fantasia

The encounter at Abendrot's border had gotten a bit more intense before we took our leave; My alabaster King's words still bring a smirk to my labias whenever my mind wanders to the scene. The immediate comebacks towards the Abendrot leader were clever and quickly thought up, said without any hesitation or fear that they will bring anger towards himself. There was no doubt Kershov would have much more disliking towards Bright Moon than ever before, now, but whatever they planned to do to retaliate, Bright Moon was ready, with more active members than the threatening pack anyway. Besides, with Tamlin's leadership, along with my own ad at his side, Im not sure what could take us down. Plus, the ivory czar from whom I follow doesnt strike me as the type of one who would back down easily from a fight.

Spots of light flashed down inbetween the foliage above my shadow figure, dazzling myself with dots of the sunset tinted light. The pine needles beneath my pads threaten to break the leathery skin of my paws as I loped the border line. I hadn't slept since the meeting at Abendrot's territory line, and my energy was slowly dwindling into the red meter. It's amazing how no sleep can change your own mood into something more soothing, rather than my own hardened stature that I held onto most of the time. Tamlin had promoted ranks upon our return, gladly giving me the rank of his second in command. Honestly, I wasn't expecting the rank at all! Then again, Raylen has been away for quite a while, leaving us all just like he had left the pack hunt a while ago. Silently, I shook my head; I had to forget about that, it wasn't like me to hold a grudge on someone so close to my own King. It just wasn't worth the drama. Still, it makes me wonder where the hell Raylen is; He used to be so active upon my arrival at Bright Moon, but his activity slowly when away, and so did he appearance.

Sighing slightly, I finally came back into reality mode, emerald luminaries adjusting to the faded lighting and my mind finally registered how my pace had slowed to a steady walk. The pack lands were a bit peaceful lately; Not in the way that means there is no activity, but the kind where everyone is minding their own business rather than being sociable. It seems like everyone's needed a rest these past few days. Venga had been promoted to Gamma, and I personally thought the rank fit her well. I had begun my regular border check after hearing the new comer, but as I arrived to the scene, the kind lass had already taken care of them, leaving me to feel appreciative towards her, along with being able to check the rest of the area. Flick had taken up to his position well also, reaching the others at the borders before I could, but I guess that only meant it was tiem for me to take my rest. Everyone had the borders under control, and I'm sure Tamlin wouldn't mind a little slacking off to get my own energy up, eh? That is, unless he wants me to collapse from exhaustion-which was probably hardly likely.

There was some unfinished business to attend; That curiosity from the bug wasn't going to go away too easily. Near the water's edge only days ago, I layed silently in my own break time, napping lightly only to open my eyes to a lovely insect crossing my line of visage. The water's rapids had been only few feet away, and the thoughts occured to me in flashes; 1) I could easily squish it, 2) I could swiftly kick into the water's space and watch as it struggles to hang on for dear life, or 3) Eat it. If it wasn't for the interuption, I probably would have known what the damned thing tasted like. Did I even want to know what it tastes like? As I pondered on just what I was going to do once I found another night crawler, I noticed I had halted at the water's calm edge. Jowls pried open to reveal my pearly white tools as a gust of air released itself from my lungs. Suddenly I felt my body plop down onto the soft terra firma, eyelids drooping until I fell into my dreamless slumber.

Dreams were overrated; The blackness was much better than having pictures flash past your eyelids, causing an endless exhaustion. After all, I hadn't had a dream in the past few years, and even if I did, it was an occasional nightmare that I wished never would come. It was always the same blood-shedding scene, where the battle came forth between pack members at my family's last meeting. Luckily, it was just a short flash as my father attacked my sister, a blood splatter splashing against my apex before I woke up in the dead of sleep. My breathing was dangeriously uneven, short gusts of air barely were in the recieving end. For some reason my body felt as though five hundred pound weights had been layed upon my back, refusing to let me rise and leaving myself barricaded to the ground; trapped for the short time being. Regaining my grip on reality became difficult, but I found myself slowly returning to the present. Out of luck, would you not have expected but a tiny insect crossing my path. The deficient bugs had no clue that such a big organism could do so much harm to them with such little effort. Carefully, I turned my body into stealth mode, creeping slowly forward and stalking my prey for a moment's time, oblivious to the outside world..



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