The Lost Islands

Asmodeusthe first
Sihtricthe second & his herd
Hasanthe third & his herd
the royal herd
Goldenrod, Nyimara, Octavius, Xafira
the royal children
the allies
None [Territory]
the enemies
Solomon [Cove]
the rules
  1. The King's word is final.
  2. Practice your strengths, whatever they are. We are only as strong as our weakest members.
  3. If you put yourself in danger, don't expect a rescue.
  4. Anyone may challenge the Third. Only the Third may challenge the Second.
Mirror mirror on the wall

The change of the temperature, the change of atmosphere was a change for the mare. But she knew she could get used to it, after all, she went from the Ridge to the Caverns, and they were different.

It almost seemed like she didn't have to wait long, a mare came upon her and greeted her. "Hello to you too." She says to her as she watches the mare curiously. She listens to her question, and she was about to answer. But encantador seemed to have answered her as he appeared to greet her. "Hello encantador, and nice to meet you El Aran." She says to them. She was happy to meet El Aran, and to visit encantador. "Yep I came with the offer you gave me." She says to him. "I guess I came to see if there was room here, since I don't currently have a home." She explains herself. "And to visit you Encantador." She wonders if it was alright.

"My family is currently separated I guess, and my father is fighting to keep the Ridge." She wasn't sure if her father even wanted her and her siblings there.


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