Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


'o death

when God is gone, and the Devil takes hold
She hit me like a train wreck; quite literally. Before I even had a moment to register anything, a sudden tangle of slender limbs, earth toned fur, and a sweet, familiar feminine scent was barreling into my path, and I had no time to put on the brakes. Within the first instance she was a complete stranger to me; but when I felt her oh-so-familiar frame being pressed against my own, I knew exactly who this maiden was. Ila. And yet before I knew it, she had drawn away from me, skirting several feet away before making a slight semi circle around me. Blinking my bright, citrine eyes several times, I tilted my jaw upward to gaze at her quietly for a moment, not out of breath though I had just been sprinting for so long, as my body was quite fit for my age and body structure. Shaking my jaw from one side to the other, at the same time I allowed my thick limbs to push my frame from the earth, before a tremor traveled the length of my spine and shaking my entire body- throwing any debris or soil that had collected within my russet pelt. Not taking my eyes off of her, I felt my ears swivel and pin forward a bit to catch her whispered apology, a nonexistent eyebrow arching up as she did so. She was apologizing.. but for what, exactly? Colliding into me and ruining my run? If there was anyone who knew better, it would be the girl right in front of me, of all wolves.

A sudden thought then struck me; what if she didn’t recognize me, or what if she simply.. didn’t want to? With a heavy swallow then traveling down my throat, I cleared such enough to be able to speak finally, my tones quiet, soft.. anticipating. “Ila? My.. Ila?” I hadn’t exactly meant to use such a possessive, ‘my,’ but it simply slipped out. After all.. when I first met Ila, she was such a broken, lost soul that I felt like I had a duty to guide her, to make her smile, to bring her happiness and joy in life that she deserved. Granted there had been some absences between the both of us; the first being her own, and the second being mine.. but we always seemed to manage to find one another in the end regardless. Nothing had changed the way I felt about the girl, as nothing ever would. No time between us, distance, drama, incidents; nothing could ever turn me away from her. But.. could any of that, even the littlest of things.. cause her to turn away from myself? I had left.. without a good bye to her.. perhaps she hated me for it? Loathed me for it, even? Only one way for me to find out.

I’m.. sorry.. Ila.. for any time I’ve put between us, I’m sorry.. if I’ve made you ever feel.. abandoned…” My words trailed off to silence, the words both caught and lost in my throat, my tones turning so obviously thick and husky with emotion. For the first time I was unable to keep my bright gaze on her own, idly taking it off of her and aiming it off to the side and slightly down.. feigning interest in something to the right of her front paws. With a sigh slipping past my dark lips, my eyes closed for just a moment as so many negative thoughts rushed through my mind, my only wish to clear them and simply think about her. In a feeble and rather pathetic attempt to, I once again turned my gaze on her, my jaw tilted down as I did so, before trying to give him a gentle, warm smile as I had done so many times before. “How.. are you, my dear? I hope, so very much, that you’ve been well.. tell me about it, please?” It sounded almost pathetic in my tones and the manner in which I fourmed my words.. but I didn’t particularly care. I never exactly particularly cared about myself or the like when it came to Ila; all that mattered to me was her, and her alone.

who'll have mercy on my soul


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