Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


rising from these ashes

The last day or two since the harsh encounter with the wolves of Abendrot had passed in a blur to the bone white stallion. Tamlin had been busier than ever, with borders that desperately needed to be marked with his scent, newcomers who wished to be accepted, and old hands whose company he felt the need to seek out for the heck of it. He'd done the first two on the list, and was now able to allow himself the luxury of the last. The snowy-lad wasn't actually that intent on seeking out any individual in particular. Venga, Ambrosia Demon Moon or Misty would be the first few on his list, but he hadn't exactly prioritized any wolf above another. Any varg would be excellent. It would seem rude (in his own mind) of him to call for attention, since only a friendless schmuck of an alpha would have to order wolves to converse civilly with him. He utilized his fit body and skilled limbs in the alternative. The silken stag set his chassis to the task of jogging easily about his wide territory, paws taking him toward one of the more enjoyable water sources as he did so. He trotted fluidly, his muscles relaxed, his jowls parted and pink tongue hanging somewhat limply from the side of his face in what could be considered a goofy expression.

His lean, muscular frame moved steadily for about twenty minutes. The lands were quiet now, but not in a way that seemed deserted. It seemed to him as if he was able to finally get a bit of much-needed rest. The forest that he passed by was thriving, lush moss carpeting the places were young trees grew thick, bright blossoms accentedthe gentle green tones of the grasses that grew in the meadows – it could be considered a bountiful paradise. The drawer of his mind in which he had previously locked thoughts of Satowra rattled, and a tendril of thought, in the form of a question slipped out and into his brain. He wondered if his lady would be surprised at the extent of the growth; he wondered if she would be pleased. Would she smile her gentle smile as she glanced down and saw the same type of bloom from the first pack meeting now dotted in many places of the terra? Realizing he was becoming a wreck of nostalgia, Tamlin did not allow the tendril to progress any farther. He mentally returned it to the corner of his mind and allowed himself to focus on another thing, which presented itself in the form of a strong, extremely familiar musk.

Ambrosia, his newly promoted beta, was apparently resting at the very location he was headed toward. The apparition surmised that the lass would also be feeling fatigue after the frenzied activity of the last week. Since he was headed in her direction anyway, the king continued forward, his pace speeding slightly, though his steps remained silent, as he knew the faint trail on which he tread quite well. Without out further ado, Tamlin had emerged from the rustling underbrush and into the sunlit shoreline. The leaves of a few poplar trunks that dotted the mixed forest made a unique harmony of nature when mixed with the euphoric cooing of a songbird. The shoreline was mostly comprised of fertile soil, but as one neared the lake, a smattering of small grey rocks gathered underfoot. These made soft clinking sounds under the boy's vaguely oval-shaped paws.

His tongue had, mercifully, receded back into his muzzle, making his facial look far more serious than it had previously. Despite that, his navy blue eyes still held an impish glimmer, one that betrayed his humorous, almost fey mood to an observant onlooker. The path he had been following had ended a farther down than whichever one the girl's feet had taken her on, since he was more than 30 feet downshore from Ambrosia. Tamlin began to traverse the distance at an ambling walk. However, after cresting a slight bern, he could discern her figure. What he saw caused a slight curiosity, and, out of that curiosity, he crept closer in a way that was more stealthy than the stride he had previously employed. From what he could see of the coal-cloaked soul, she was stalking something tiny on the ground with a the feral intensity that only a predatory mammal could muster.

“Beetle.... Quite a delicacy, although I hear it tickles a bit on the way down.” A soft smirk graced his features as he observed his emerald orbed general.

ooc: haha, this took a long time to get up. Exams start in 6 days 0.0.... scary. Anyways, here he is, the amazing TWYMNCTUPODS(Tamlin-who-you-must-not-call-Tammy-under-pain-of-death-sama)!

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