Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

~::C'est la vie::~

He had been so captivated in the sight of the fish that he didn’t quite notice the other brute approach. He could hear the pawsteps but didn’t really take note of them, not until they were really close, by which point he took a step back from the riverbank, turning to face the other male. Mismatched optics scanned the brute’s form as he spoke; he was a very pretty boy, much prettier than he was. He was prettier than most brutes were actually.

But then again, it wasn’t hard to be prettier than Aloïs was; his bandages took away any aesthetic values he might have had, and without them he was an abomination, but what he lacked in looks he more than made up for with his voice… when he was in the right mind, at least. But Primo’s voice was pretty too, perhaps smoother than his rather effeminate tones, and with a completely different accent to the ones he was so used to, but it was still pretty.

Bonjour~” he greeted cheerfully in his delicately accented voice, a small, slightly shy smile tugging at his two-toned muzzle. “It is a beautiful day, non?” he mused, tail giving a slight wave. Yes, the weather was pleasant today, and the river itself was a sight to behold. He just wished he knew where he was, although he wasn’t really a fan of summer; Aloïs much preferred autumn, things were much more colourful then.

But if he escaped any storms he would be in a pleasant mood whatever the season happened to be.

Pardon, how rude of me not to introduce myself,” apparently this had only just sunk in, “Je m’appelle Aloïs” he purred in his mother tongue, the words rolling easily from his maw. He could have continued to talk in the easily flowing language, and truthfully he wanted to, but alas he would have to continue to speak in English; it was easier for others if he did that. “What do they call you, monsieur?” he inquired, inclining his head in a slight tilt, his accent tweaking the word “they” to sound more like “zey”.

Aloïs waited patiently for Primo’s response, mismatched eyes still settled on his form. He was curious about this one; he seemed more interesting than other creatures were.


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