The air is heavy as you make your way through unknown territory, as you pause to sniff the air a drop of rain falls onto your nose. It is soon followed by another and another and soon the rain is pelting down in sheets, soaking you to the bone. The clouds are an angry purple and the menacing drumming of thunder rolls over the sky. Squinting your eyes against the blinding water you find yourself at the edge of a large, dark pine forest. You are too desperate for shelter to notice the scents that mark the border and plunge in, and nearly into the chilly stream that runs through the territory. You veer away and as you are shaking the water out of your fur you notice a large pair of icy blue shards gazing at you. The storm has passed now and beams of sunlight filter through the thick canopy of pines, illuminating a massive male wolf not three feet away from where you stand.

His pelt looks like a bad patchwork job of black and white and beneath them you see large, hard bands of steely muscle and you know this is a warrior for his torso is marred with many battle scars. His banner curls over his back and his lips are drawn, exposing sharp ivory daggers. When he speaks his voice is deep and dominant, like the thunder you so recently heard.

"Wolf, you have found yourself in the terra of the Andere Seite Pack. I am Eclipse, king of this land."

It is only then that you notice another pair of lanterns gleaming in the penumbra and a dark-pelted fae slinks out into the clearing to stand next to the king, her own banner waves and her green and blue eyes bore into you. She is the same size as most males and a crisscrossing pattern of scars show that she too can take care of herself. Her voice is cold and has a snake-like sound to it yet you can see they are both fair rulers.

"And I am Nephthys, queen of Andere. We don’t care much for strangers so you must make your choice, Submit to us now or flee our lands and never return. If you fail to do either you will have little time left to regret it."

The formidable pair pierces you with their gaze and you feel as if all your secrets spill out before them. You are left with a decision now. Will you submit and take refuge in this dark forest or will you flee and never know what secrets these trees hide? Make haste, you can see that the pair grow tired of waiting.


bite me

I can see Cade actually taking the time to think about what I said, about having a favorite color. It's like I can actually see the wheels turning in her pretty little head. I had managed to ram into her chest, and I can tell she's already thinking about the bruise that's going to be there. If she's smart, she won't bring it up to her mother since it could have been a lot worse. When I collided with her, she fell to the ground like a rag doll, her nose diving in the dirt like an anteater going for his favorite snack. I can tell I hit the right spot since she gasped for the first few seconds, trying to get her breath back. I looked at her and smirked, eyes gleaming with amusement. I tilt my head as she then starts laughing, not even a light laugh, like an actual "that's funny" kind of laugh. I arch a brow up, watching her in puzzlement but I sniff and shrug it off. I'll never fully understand the female species. I'll just stick to charming them.

Finally she gets her breath back and gets to her paws, still laughing. I watch her intently as she gets up and walks right up to me, letting a few more chuckles out. I prick my ears, listening as she tells me that it hurt. I don't really think my face did anything all that special but whatever. She then compliments my charisma and guts. I chuckle dryly. I don't think it took much guts to do what I did. I think of it as teaching her a lesson in respect. She'll have to know not to invade my space unless I invite it from now on. I won't tolerate anything else.

Before I get a chance to answer, she turns on her heels and moves off toward I'm guessing the borders of Andere Siete. I catch up with her in no time, setting an easy pace right at her flanks, letting her take the lead so she can at least feel like she's in control and at the same time, I can watch her facial expression for any signs of weakness. I have to say, I continue to be impressed with the girl. Even though I know that bruise on her chest must sting something terrible, she never once cringes, at least not when I'm looking. Must be a pride thing. Perhaps her family raised her that way. Good, it'll just be another reason why I have to meet them. If they're anything like I'm hoping, life will paradise, even if I'm not in charge. I wonder if Cade has learned her lesson yet. Glancing over into her youthful gaze, I see only mischief greeting me. My lips curve into a light smirk. That's my girl. Keep on fighting. I like my prey to have some spunk.

Her face mostly stays neutral the entire time we're walking toward the pack territory yet it's not too long till I can smell the pefume of a female alpha. I glance over. Did Cade say who her mother was in the pack? If my theory serves correct as far as my research since returning is concerned, Andere is run by a family of white and red wolves and if Cade is worried about her mother liking me then she must be somewhere near the top. If not, she'll be the top, herself. My own eyes flash with delight at the thought. Hearing Cade's voice, I prick my ears and tilt my head somewhat in her direction, giving her at least half of my attention as the rest stays locked ahead on wherever she's taking me. She asks why she could see my reflection. I chuckle a little under my breath. Don't believe everything you hear. In fact, don't believe any of it. You don't know a thing until you get firsthand experience. My eyes glitter maliciously. Oh yes, I had my beliefs about vampires before this happened to me. In fact, my belief was that I didn't believe at all. I mean, who would?

Blood sucking fiends that run around living off of nothing more than liquid? It sounds ludicrous. Not until Godric found me and showed me how to make it work did I realize that I knew nothing about the night walkers, nothing at all.

I glance up as the perfume gets stronger and my pace slows, letting Cade get a little more ahead of me so I don't seem disrespectful by going on in. I stop right at the invisible lines, toeing it as I glance down at my paws. Looking back up at Cade, I tilt my head a bit and put on my best charming smile. Aren't you going to invite me in?

so just bite me baby
and drink all my blood


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