Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


we might as well be strangers [ Jaida dearest <3 ]

The strongest thing in this whole world is feelings. One would think that words were more massively important than emotions… but if you think about it, words were just created to express what one is feeling… what one thinks about a subject. If you lose access to feelings… then what are you except just an empty clam with no pearl? Your chest can no longer swell up with pride… your heart can no longer pluck its strings to show you just what you feel… your eyes cannot create painful cramps in your throat, nor can they spill saltwater to the floor. Where was my fault… in loving you with my whole heart? It’s both a blessing and a curse now that I think about it. It keeps me safely tucked away from myself but it also… I can’t feel for her, that nameless beauty who keeps coming to mind whenever I think of the battle between Lliw and myself…Who is she? I feel as if I know her. More than I know myself, in fact. And then there’s another female… a beautiful one who has my scent all over her. But whenever I see her, she’s much taller than I am… she must be… But I’m only interested in that charcoal-colored, emerald-eyed goddess who haunts me wherever I go. I’ll ask again… Where was my fault… in loving you with my whole heart?

I pad up to the mountain’s base area, a familiar scent tingling in my sensors… it smells halfly of myself and halfly of… who? The question is iridescent in my mind’s eye, but then disappears along with its importance as I press forward again, finding that my legs are leading me more than my will is. The stars are bright tonight… and the moon is waxing nearly to a gibbous. It has my full attention, bringing my one working sage to its deadly light. Like a moth drawn to flame, I continue upwards, ignoring myself as I almost trip on a small groove in the path. A limp in my leg still exists from my squabble from Lliw, and I’m dripping faint droplets of blood onto the terra firma beneath my pads. The injury in my neck is less than healed.. its still raw flesh from where she dug her incisors into it. I quicken my pace after glancing behind me and notice that the crimson fluid is dropping in more massive amounts than before. Now I’m cantering up and then I find myself at a small circle of earth. Someone must have taken the wrong path… yeah that would be me. I can feel neither regret nor anger here… it’s as if I’m numb to everything that I once held so dear to me. Everything that kept the members of Spring Grounds confident that I would return victorious. Well that was a failure… I can’t be put at blame for my techniques though… I’ve never fought for a position before… and even when I have fought, it’s only been smaller opponents, such as… my sisters? Kaguya and Calypso… how strange… I remember their names. I remember their faces, scents and color of their optical units…

I seat myself against a wall that is adjacent to the small outcropping of earth, then collapse to the ground, unafraid of the collision impact that will befall upon my wound. Dirt settles into the wound, soiling it with disgusting particles that will most likely interrupt the healing process that I’ve worked so hard to keep moving. I’m laying down on this cold ground, praying that the memories will just end… that way I don’t lose anymore of my present than I already have. But it’s inevitable… my name eludes me, and another one pulls itself in. Kxeil. Fangs flash before me and I close my optics, shivering in what would seem to be… fear? It’s not the cold if that’s what you’re wondering. Calypso… why had she dropped on me like that and begun to tear into my flesh? My muscles pound with memory. It’s well known that even if you don’t or can’t remember things, your muscles can… Flinching against an unseen enemy, I push away the thoughts, though they still linger in the back of my mind. Cal was planning on killing me. Why? I was just turning into a teen when she did this… was she… jealous?

I’m miles from where that girl is at… but she was killed, and I know exactly where her grave is at… for I watched Kaguya sink her deathly intentions into her twin’s jugular. I had amired both of them but now I only felt fear when I saw them in my memories… I open my visionaries and curl around myself, tucking my head into my ashen-hued plume. Have I seriously been living a lie? Even my attitude is beginning to change… The scar is a new feeling to me… when did I get that? Where… and who bestowed it upon me? I found a strange realization sink into my skin… I am not NEMO… I am not a killer. I am not a fighter nor am I a captain. I am Kxiel, the tender-hearted little brother of Calpyso and Kaguya, the one who ran away from his home because he was afraid of death. I realize now that I’ve been running from it ever since I was little and I either created a new identity for myself and totally forgot about who I really was, or else I… The dawn will approach soon… and I fear also that when it does come… I will no longer recall this NEMO character. I feel like I don’t even know him… that he’s just an acquaintance that managed to save me from myself in my time of need.

Perhaps I’m not trying hard enough… the blood stops flowing onto the terra, but a thin line has stained my multi-colored grayscale cloak. I ask myself if the moon is the only thing that is allowed to change… if we don’t actually change from who we were when we were children, just decide to cover our delicate little selves up with mud and act as someone else because we desperately long to be different. But in the end, we only just begin to understand that we are all the same… We all house greed and we all house uncertainty. We are harbors to pain and joy. We all carry with us the burden of the falsified feeling of having to prove ourselves. We all had two ears… we all had two lungs, a stomach, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, a tongue, a heart. We all have our inner and sometimes outer, NEMO.

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