At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


been so long since I've seen your face. done

Jolene was a troubled soul, not that her pride would ever let her admit it of course. Ever since the day her parents discarded her, tossing her away like the tide tosses its water she seemed to be lost in a fragile state suspended somewhere above her sorrow hanging on by a thread. No she was never the same. How could you be when your own parents cast you aside like that? Now Jolene just spent her time moving from place to place, always bouncing around to stay with extended family or friends, new and old alike; nothing ever lasted long though. After a week or so it was time to move on. Divvy the time between here and there that was her motto, more like run away from troubles. I suppose that’s why she found herself here again; something always brought the girl back to this forest but that same little inkling always drew her on; persuading her that sooner or later her past would catch up with her if she stayed. Fear. It controlled her life even if seemed like the farthest from the truth. She was an excellent liar - the best of her kind. You learn things like that when your out on your own especially as young as she was when she was thrown out to fend for herself.

It seemed the fair-haired Gemini needed yet another place to stay before going off on her merry little way, forever in search of a way to cleanse herself of her sins. You could say it was her wandering mind that led her to the small clearing - the first in miles but truthfully it was just plain old luck. Luck? Did that even exist anymore… No I guess not, not in her book at least. Luck would have kept her with her mum and dad, luck would have at least given her a home.

Her eyes had been staring aimlessly into the rushing water for nearly and hour before anything happened to draw her attention away from it but as soon as she heard the footsteps her grey eyes snapped up from their trance. You could say she was curious to see who it was who had interrupted her from one of the few almost non-existent momentary breaks she ever enjoyed. Much to her surprise and utter disbelief the stranger let out a sound similar to disgust. The unkempt blonde hair on her hackles raised and she felt a growl resonating inside her chest.

Well you don’t look to impressive yourself Mr. What? are you always so lovely with new people or am I just the exception?

Her brandy tail twitched in frustration at the brute who had just waltzed himself in here, disturbed her, and then on top of it all had the nerve to insult her! People these days, they see a girl who hasn’t been graced with a good groom in a few days and they get all sickened; believe it or not their were more important things besides sitting and untangling all the knots that happen to find their way into your fur, you know like finding a place to sleep before it rains. Men and their stereotype of women. Fragile and meticulously groomed, skinny, sinewy, and curved. Fuck ‘em she thought to herself, if he cant even see past a few burrs and a messy coat with out getting his knickers in a bunch. She snickered at her silent joke, on the inside of course - she had enough sense to know that in a fight… well she just wouldn’t win. Oh that one hurt her pride. You never know with people, some dams never taught their sons that swiping at the misses was bad.

{ooc; I finally got her up! Your table is absolutely to die for & welcome to blossom!}

J o l e n e

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