Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


like so many wind-borne ashes

She does not know who she is, let alone why she is here, left alone in the sea of green, blue and white. Her world no longer makes sense, nor does it have even a scrap of rationality. Her name is Kagura, and she was once a warrior of Saw Tooth, but this information is lost to her at this point, gone from the head trauma she suffered during a chance hunting accident. She had crawled a certain distance from the scene, then curled up to sleep. A day later, she awoke, dazed, in a place she does not remember moving to, vaguely aware of the pain of a splitting headache, but more confused by the terrible emptiness in the place were all memories relating to her identify once were stored. The girl tries to think of her name, but it is like trying to grasp smoke with bare hands – an impossible task, an endevour only attempted by the desperate. She is desperate. She struggles harder, trying to strain her mind into the realization, yet the thought remains on the very edge of her consciousness, dancing there as if it is mocking her, mocking the futility of her whole life. The snow-hued creature does not know how long she has lived, nor what for, yet she senses that she once had a deep purpose.

Whatever purpose she used to live for has now been erased from her mind, gone without a trace. After shaking off the stirrings of panic that such a depressing thought had brought on, the nameless one is able to rationalize. She thinks of a word to describe the terrible symptoms that are being so horribly expressed. Amnesia. Yes, that is what happened, nothing else would fit. The blue-eyed witch correctly assumes that she had an accident whilst doing some strenuous activity. Feeling a surge of frustration at her own stupidity for undertaking whatever thing she had been doing alone, the onna rose to her paws without too much difficulty. It is with relief that she moves each part of her body slowly, individually, glad that she does not feel any flares of agony. A step forward proves that she will survive and be able to thrive once more. She knows that area of Blossom Forest well, despite her sudden onslaught of forgetfulness. For now, she abstains from melodramatic thoughts, instead choosing to locate the nearest stream and quench her extreme thirst with its cool waters.

She needs help, that much is blatantly obvious to the slender female. She weaves her lithe form through the thick vegetation on her way to the aqua, not halting her march until she parts the bushy, emerald foliage to reveal a rocky stream bed. A ribbon of cold water gurgles merrily, music to the wolf's snowy auditives. She wastes no time in relieving the dryness of her tongue, choosing instead to quickly partake of the wealth of refreshment. After drinking her fill, she lifts her now dripping muzzle. The heat is oppressive, even in the shade of the trees and the canopy of branches, it is fierce. Now that she had concluded her personal mission to get water, the melodramatic thoughts she had been holding back came to haunt her with a vengeance. She was consumed by melancholy angst as she stood, looking for all the world like a discarded puppy sitting on the side of the road. Despite her lost memories and utter confusion, the urge to move about and stimulate her seeking system was enough to set her paws moving once more.

Days pass. She returned to the stream often, but the heat only continued to climb, perhaps reaching record levels in the lands of Blossom Forest. In the end, no dramatic mental epiphany motivates Kagura to depart from her new home base and find a pack. Yes, she had been getting lonely and thinking about bowing to an alpha and being accepted, but she was not quite ready to mobilze her thoughts into actual, physical action yet. Her stream dried up, turning into an empty, silent hole in the land, a scar that would offer her no subsistence. She wandered randomly toward the scent of a pack she didn't even know the name of, enduring the searing heat that bombarded her each time she was forced to forsake the shadows. Faced by this, she became a phantom herself, flitting from shadow to shadow like a ghost. The journey is not too extended, for 4 hours is not a long time for a wolf to travel. Her body is well oiled and she is extremely fit. The lady wonders what activities she used to do that caused such muscle memory for smooth, endless running.

She finds herself close to a land. The odours that swim through the air are drawn into her olfactory system, which then unravels the code which they hold. She is near Bright Moon, a land run by an alpha named Tamlin. She remembered facts about this land, and was reasonably content that the lord would be worthy, so she continued forward after only a brief moment of hesitation. For a moment, a brief tinge of guilt had rushed through her soul, but since it had no discernible cause, the white one ignored it and continued onward.

Kagura would have waited alone, but she did not want to trouble the alpha, and the cologne of a male on the borders indicated that another canine was a reasonable distance away. She oriented her chassis in his direction, meandering silently though the peaceful scenery. Once within viewing distance of the multi-hued hessian, the maiden approached him respectfully, but not warily. She offered no explanation of herself until she had lowered her haunches to the ground about 10 feet from the lad. “Do you mind if I wait with you?”

ooc: Next, TWYMNCTUPODS! <--Tamlin-who-you-must-not-call-Tammy-under-pain-of-death-sama <33 I'll work on him tomorrow~

goes like always, with little changes, life is ever going forward,

Trundling over years and incidents with the same experiences again and again.


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