The Lost Islands

perchance to dream

For it is not the Stars that determine our destiny - but ourselves
Fayte was up for a change. She had spent the night with Bondurant and had done her duty to the Stars. Hopefully, they’d bless her child with the same marks they’d given to the sire and herself. After all, the spotty field was a beautiful thing. She was just finishing up breakfast when she heard a familiar nicker.

She lifted her head, ears pricked. The last time she’d seen the chestnut, she’d assumed the mare had run off to figure things out with her stallion. She wasn’t expecting to see Acorn again. But that was her. Fayte returned the nicker and gaited out towards the beach.

She new the forest had gained new residents since Acorn had last come - Bondurant had been busy. Quite literally. But, boys will be boys and Fayte didn’t hold it against him.

She smiled as she spotted Acorn in the eves. The leaves were beginning to change - the leafy trees losing their green sheen. Though the Evergreens were still strong. She loved the look of the forest - and was excited for the coming season. There would be nothing like it.

“Acorn!” She greeted joyfully as she crossed out onto the beach. “How are you?” She gave her friend a smile as she slowed.

||mare||5 winter||15.1 hh||chestnut blanket||appaloosa x rocky mountain horse||of the forest herd||children||lineage||blushie||
html and character by blushie;;image by L.eigh - click for full


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