Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


I'm glad you came, so glad you came

Pearlia reached the final passage, buzzing with excitement. She walked in, still feeling amazed. Walking over to the purple sapling again, she popped another bubble, licking all the sap. "Come on and try it! It's delicious!" Salem walkled over to a bush with bright yellow berries. He tasted one, it was like sweet honey. "Belle, come try these HoneyBerries!" He ate another one. Jingle stared in amazememt at the cavern. How did this get here? The plants surely weren't poisonous, or Pearlia would be sick. "What is this place?" Jingke asked Cea curiously. She let out a sharp howl, seeing if any other creatures were here. The howl echoed and bounced throughout the cavern. Auralia nuzzled into Abe amd looked at Lune. "What's wrong, Lune?"

Marrionna lay her head on her paws in her den, on the soft tufts of the trees. 'If only I could find my way out.' Marionna thought to herself. Marionna had come down here+ not being able to find yhe hole to get out again. 'If only someone would find me.' Then she heard a sharp howl echo through the cave. Mari's grau and white fur glistened under the mysterious light at the top of the cave. She slowly padded through the woods, excited she wasn't alone nwow.


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