At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


*revives and drowns* mwahahahaha

OOC: IKR?!?!?! And we should make those two turn into good people after a few weeks, like i said "two negatives equal a positive"

IC: Fallen Flame looked at Channing. Horizon wants to know if our momma will be ok. She said with hope in her eyes, hoping it would be a yes.

Black Water watched Roni's form fade away. I love her. He smiled and looked at Abele. Let's pray she will be ok.

Calla looked at Ivy again and nodded. I will. Goodbye. She ran towards her old life, not looking back. She was afraid she would be too tempted and return there. It was easier to return. She knew it wasn't her time to die. Calla was also going to tell Ruhani that Ivy had helped her come back. She ran into a blinding white lighr and closed her eyes. The light dimmed as Calla opened her eyes. She could faintly see the outlines of Water, Flame, Horizon, Abe, Abele and another wolf. She was out of the coma. She looked at them through hazy eyes and shut them again. This time she was just unconcious, but at least she was out of the coma.


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