At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Double Trouble (open)

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A dainty femme made her way through the trees. Her light silken pelt seemed to flow across her body as she moved, creating the image of a gentle river rippling over her limbs. Grey topped her head, encircling half of her eyes before washing down over her back to lightly cover her tail. Highlighting the stretch between grey and white was sandy beige fur, a barely noticeable colour that showed off her golden eyes. She walked carefully over the growth on the forest floor, heading for the lake nearby, head held poised as though she knew of her beautiful coat and wished to show it off.

Behind the elegant wolf came a stumbling, puffy runt whose head barely reached half way up her legs. Every other step the dark pup seemed to catch his oversized paws in the greenery and trip over, before bounding up and continuing as he mowed his way through the undergrowth. Whereas the lightly coated femme held herself deliberately, this pup seemed to be her opposite in every way; from his ploughing along without a care to the black fluff covering his entire body bar the stripe of white over his chest. He was not yet old enough to have outgrown the fluff, though clumps of it were beginning to occasionally fall out to reveal a slightly smoother undercoat.

The two reached the end of the forest and before them stretched a plane of grass that ended at a wide, calm lake. The femme halted, tilting her head in wonder at the various wolves that rested and played in the grass, seeming at peace with each other despite smelling of different packs and family units. It seemed as though it was the correct place to have come. The dark pup, however, had other ideas as he bounded forwards towards to nearest wolf he could see, eager to play with another as they had travelled without company for a little while now.

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||Lady Violet and Rex|| ||No Mates|| ||Mother and Son|| ||No Pack||

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