Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


You and I go hard, at eachother

~You and I go hard, at eachother

Greene stepped into the meadow, yawning. He stretched out his lean body, jaws opening in an O. What vixen would it be today? A ugly, stupid one? A hot, dumb one? A sexy smart one? He didn't know. Greene was waiting day by day for the right one. Maybe he would have to wait, but did he care? He'd met many in his lifetime, but not one liked how perverted and loud he was. I'm not going to deal with bitches. His dirty blond fur was ridden with burrs, which he dug at to get out. No ladies would like him like this. His pale blue spectacles roved the meadow. Just as he was going to give up hope on a vixen, he spotted a muscular, medium sized fae. She seemed cute, although Greene did not yet know what she was like on the inside... the vixen did seem quite familiar...

~Like we're going to war~

A name slipped around at the back of the head, running away from that spotlight. He slightly growled in frustration when a tingle went through his body.
Hey, are you Rosie?
He yelled out without thinking. He padded towards the fae, waiting for a reaction. His tail was in the position that you'd think she was his mate. If it's really her, I wish it was my mate.

~You and I go rough, throwing things and slamming the door~

Celina delicately placed her paw by paw as she walked down the hill. Her nostrils smelled a sweet scent. It was a light blue flower, the Celinnius Fienne . It was what she was named after. This flower was another one of the oddities of Blossom Forest. Things were here never seen by the Outsiders and the Two-Legs. She giggled loudly at the thought of Two-Legs seeing these things. Looking up, her dark blue spectacles saw many wolves dotted around the field. Half of it was burned down. She had witnessed that fire, it had killed so many harmless wolves. Two of the creatures especially caught her attention. A milky brown fae was sniffing some flowers. Was it her friend she hadn't see in such a long time?

~You and I get so damn dysfunctional we stopped keeping score~

Greene frowned as a blonde vixen went whizzing by. I didn't know Rose was so popular. He hoped she wasn't among the boys, for he liked her. Celina looked at Rose.
Hey Rosie! It's me, Celina! Youknowyouknow! She was so loud, breathless from the long run. Greene looked at Celina. Don't kill her, Celina. He said thw last word as though he were chewing taffy. Testing it out, seeing the best way to chew it and digest it.

~You and I get sick,yeah, I know we can't do this no more~


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