At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


if i just saved you;


Lately he's been feeling a little homesick and a little more than aimless, but it's not hard to ignore when you're trying to live on your own. Just staying alive is a bit of a chore and he doesn't mean that in the depressed, resigned sort of way he used to have---more like it's actually hard work to have to do everything for yourself. Ray is more than capable of doing it, it's just that he's so used to being part of a pack; no matter how unwelcoming that pack might be, it was still some semblance of a family to lean on.

Slowly, though, he's adjusting. He's gotten used to being alone and to some extent welcomes it---time heals all wounds, he supposes, and now all he's got are a few scars etched along the surface of his heart. Raylen likes to think he's all right, though. Finally. Though that's probably a relative term, and one that he isn't entirely sure about the meaning of.

With a sigh, he treks from his little den in the middle of absolutely nowhere to... well, he's not sure. It's mid-morning, and the sun is almost uncomfortably hot on his skin. Ignoring it, though, he continues on a path through the trees and soon enough the smell of freshwater is eminent. The golden boy takes a deep breath and breaks through the treeline, squinting out through the lake, searching for a familiar face. Those aren't so easy to find these days, unfortunately, but today seems to be a lucky one because he can see Misty paddling through the lake towards shore.

Smiling slightly, he pads up next to the pale girl, whose eyes are closed. She seems to be asleep, and he doesn't really want to wake her up, so he doesn't, instead choosing to sit down and stare out over the lake.

"i am so in love with you, i forgot what i wanted to say."
the golden boy of nowhere


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