At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


&& you make me strong

Even in a deep slumber, I can feel his presence around me like a thick perfume. I'm stuck in a dream, a good dream. You know those dreams where you wake up as if you've just been sleeping even though you still are? It makes it seem more real, like you had a short nap and are now waking up the real world, except it's not really real at all. These dreams can turn out to be a nightmare or the sweetest dream you'll ever have, but then you'll just feel disappointed when you wake up for real.

In my dream, I wake up in a cozy den and the first thing I feel is safe. Warmth is pressed against my side and I look down with a start to find four beautiful puppies nestled against me, fast asleep. After a moment, the dream sets in and my features melt into something loving and motherly. I reach down, licking the closest one's head, a beautiful girl whose name is Rose. Her coat shimmers a delicate golden hue while her head and chest is a porcelain white that makes her seem more fragile. When she makes a soft murmur and opens her eyes for a split second, I find myself looking into eyes of the brightest blue encircling a ring of gold.

A gasp escapes my lips before my eyes sweep over the remaining puppies. One, a boy named Murdoc, is a pure white. I find myself relaxing but then I catch a glimpse of his shifting paw and it looks like it's been dipped in pure gold. I look at the next pup, another boy, this one called Xavier, and his coat is pure gold with a tail tipped in white. The last pup is another beautiful girl named Daisy and her coat is gold with white stripes, making her the most beautiful golden brindle I've ever seen. I find myself mulling over where they got their colors when a sudden presence at the entrance has my head snapping around, eyes already darkening protectively.

But it's only him. My heart flutters in my chest and my insides feel like goo as I set my eyes on the most beautiful wolf I've ever seen. His blue eyes glitter as he smiles at me, the most loving smile I've ever seen. I act as if to get up and he stops me with a shake of his head, lowering his gaze toward the puppies to let me know he doesn't want me to disturb them. Settling back down, I nod and smile, though my body aches to touch him more than anything. As if reading my mind, he comes toward me, his golden coat sparkling in the sunlight.

I look into his eyes and I feel myself falling all over again as I somehow know I've done every day since meeting him. He stops behind me and gently nuzzle my forehead. I turn my head to him and burrow it in his fur. I inhale his strong fragrace and find myself drowning in it, bliss the only emotion on my mind. But then the dream starts to fade and I cry out in protest, my legs kicking as I try to run back to him and that comforting den. But it fades to darkness and I snap my eyes open, not wanting to be in that darkness anymore than I have to.

I inhale again and his cologne fills me like the most satisfying drink of water. Lifting my head, I look over to find the god of my dreams sitting right next to me, his blue eyes staring off across the lake as if it holds all the world's secrets. My heart flutters and I remember the den and the dream, though it's fading fast from memory. Slowly getting up, I sit down beside him and lean over to gently nudge him with my shoulder, painting a light hearted smile on my face. How's rogue life treating you? I haven't seen you in a while. I've missed you. My eyes soften on the last words, fear spilling into them from the words I left unsaid. I'd feared he left again.

Misty_female_adult_no mate_no children_Delta of Bright Moon


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