The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


When The Night Bleeds, The World Shall Fall... (Techno only! Complete.)

Emotions were overwhelming, especially to Night Blood; after all, who had time for such annoyances when they had special jobs to perform--and perform well, I might add? I know the story--womanly jobs are to have pups! But, not with her. For you see, long ago she met a male who wanted to have pups with her. He was perfect in every way; smart, handsome, tall, a beautiful voice, except for one thing--he didn't quite make it clear to her that he would have..mistresses. Oh, when she found out her heart--recently warmed by love--froze in a blizzard of hatred. So, when the day came for the betrothed to mate, she never lost her virginity; but he lost his life. That was Night Blood's first--and certainly not last--kill, her first true one. The lass would never forget the teeth sinking into flesh, putting a victorious paw on the limp chest, hearing the heartbeat and pulse slow, watching the blood splatter to the floor..It was paradise for the girl. The very thought made her teeth grind with longing, a purr of pleasure slipping from her jaws. The tantalizing sound resonated in her throat, making it known to all that she was delighted. What they didn't know was: it was in the worst way possible for them. For, this was how the snakecharmer lured even the craftiest of cobras; how she looked like an innocent little girl, one that a brute could look at her with contempt and kill her, devouring the corpse..

Her slender bodice brushed the rocks that she wedged herself in between to go deeper into the cavern. Her yellow eyes flashed dangrously and she smirked as a wolf flattened its ears and trotted away, only to collapse as she slashed its throat. The blood on her tongue was a sweet delicacy, and she licked it off her chaps as the wolf trembled in a death-rattle. Soon, its eyes rolled to the back of its head and its head slumped to the ground, shock still glazed in its optics. A satisfied rumble echoed from her chest, and she displayed the barely-alive wolf for the pathetic hunters who might want a 'naive' little virgin.

For some reason, the thought brought her back to Darien Valentine, her short-time companion before Kershov arrived at the scene of their...affection? No, not affection. The word was...pleasantries? Yes, that's the word! Anyway, he said they would meet again, and this would be the perfect place for such exchanges. So, instead of howling like most wolves would do, she harshly prodded the barely-alive figure next to her, and it gave such a pained squeal that Darien would know it was because of her doing. Now was the time to wait, while the wolf's time was running out. Although, it was a bit of a pity to watch it die--she will leave her companion to finish it off.

OOC: Sorry for short ending!


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