Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


I have to keep on moving

It wasn't long before he succumbed to a fitful rest, stretched out under the rock. At least the ground wasn't covered in snow; his wounds stung enough from the freezing wind. Iriden's large frame rose slowly with each breath, his lungs inflating the solid gray and char pelt in each timely inhale. The massive brute lay on his right side, head stretched out just enough to see out under the boulder. There were several more great slabs of stone, their smooth edifaces reflecting the gray light. A blizzard had picked up speed as soon as he reach the ledge, and now it was stregthening, torrents of snow floating past.

For a while the mascu laid there quietly, emerald pools half-lidded as they watch each exhale bring a warm cloud from his muzzle, only to dissapate into the air. He must try again in the spring, or his whole life would be pointless. Iriden could feel it in his bones, roaring to again fight Lyra. Any wolf enjoyed the feeling of sinking one's teeth into a prize, but those seldom moments where Iriden landed a blow on the fae's luxurious white fur was so satisfying. A grin pursed the predator's lips, bringing a brief joy to his brooding. But as snow began to sweep under the rock and onto his nares reminded him that he was alone on a mountain, bruised from a fight he had lost. Damn it.

The faint crunching of snow reached his ears, bringing him out of his mulling. With a growl, the brute stirred, his bod shadowed but eyes glowing the faint light. Who would even come up here at this time, Iriden had no clue. Just another bothersome wolf that seemed to multiply every day in Blossom Forest's ranks. Already in a testy mood, he had to bite back the low growl in his jugular and focused his senses. It seemed that this male had not caught Iriden's scent before he did, and gave him an upper hand. In the element of suprise, at least. The sterling canid remained under the rock, nose titilated painfully by the scarring across his bridge. His alert auds barely caught the sound of words before another perfume assauged him- a fem. Where were they coming from? Hopefully someone hadn't sent them, not that Iriden would have difficulty handling whoever these two were.
His muscles were sore as Iriden pushed himself to his paws, stepping out, cornering his way around the stones to glance down the narrow path. Hello? Anyone there? came a lilt, suprising his ears. And a svelte figure stood at the end, her bodice matching the voice perfectly. His audits flickered once, fur bristling instinctively at the stranger, but sort of enjoying what he saw. Were it not for the second wolf, hidden from view, Iriden would have probably done something particularly rash to this young princess. His own timbre rang out in response, carefully measured and controlled.
What do you want?

You're my Plan B.;
{ Iriden | male | N/A | ♦kopsic♦ }


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