Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesRe(2): Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count

Hi Wendy;

We will meet at the Carden Recreation Centre at Lake Dalrymple at 8:30 a.m. and then leave for the field by 9:00 a.m. We will have about 5-6 teams of birders to cover the area of a 24 km diameter circle centred on Cameron Ranch. We return from the field around 4:00 p.m. for the potluck dinner at the centre. We spend most of the day in the field and have lunch at some of the local stops. We keep well off the roads and respect the rights of the property owners while trying to get a good indication on the number of birds in the area.
I would welcome you and others to join us for a fun day in the field. If you can not spend the whole day in the field then you can take your own vehicle then leave the team when you have to but it is more fun and educational to spend the whole day and attend the pot-luck for the summary and what birds other teams have observed.


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