At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


{We are sick and we are tired.}

Pack life was all this warrior knew. He had been born and raised in one of the most feared packs in the entire world and like his father before him; had taken the role of Beta. Fighting and following commands was all the brute knew and if wolves knew how much blood lay on his paws they would run in fear for their lives. Lycaon was a trained killer. Made to do his Alpha’s dirty business without even thinking twice. It was his duty to protect the pack and if his leader wished it; he did it. His King was the most feared wolf in all the land, not because of himself but because of the emotionless dog that followed his every command. He was a ruthless killer, which was why he was favoured by the alpha. That was until his King pushed his luck.

Now the brute was cursed to walk a lonely path. The wolf gods were displeased with this being and did not take his punishment lightly. His mate and pups died at the mercy of his own paws and he was banished from his home. This monster would wear his chains for life; and it would not be an easy one, he was sure of that. The gods were the only thing he had to fear. No beast would try their look against him unless they were stark raving mad. The demon made his way through this strange land. It was nothing like his home. This place was to... Pretty. His home was consumed with death and pain but this place was for those who wished to change. And Lycaon did. With all his heart he did. Maybe if he changed his ways the Gods would forgive his sins and allow him passage out of his horrid mess of a life. Maybe just maybe he would finally be with his darling mate and pups. But until then he would have to suffer.

His muscle bound legs, for the first time, were starting to become weary. He had not eaten in weeks and had managed to catch little sleep. He knew his Alpha had sent his soldiers out looking for him to kill him before he got chance to seek revenge on the slimy little git. The snake had taken everything from him. He had become twisted with jealously at the happiness Lycaon found with his she- wolf and the King wanted her for himself. She was the most beautiful thing anyone could ever lay eyes on. Like the she-god herself had been placed on this earth and he could not stand to see Lycaon with her. When he was denied what he wanted by the wolf that usually followed his every command, he was trapped in a fit of rage and made his Beta kill her and the offspring they had produced. Lycaon shuddered at the thought. He had killed them. His mate and pups just like the king had ordered. The faces of his loved ones still haunted him; another punishment from the gods. If it was the last thing he would do, Lycaon would kill the son of a bitch before he got chance to take anybody else’s happiness away from them.

His body just about to give up, the lad- wound in self pity-found himself at the edge of a clearing. Behind it the most amazing lake you had ever seen. The sight did not register in the lad’s twisted mind, only the need for water drove him forward. The cooling water refreshing his weary and broken pads. At least he could take a little pleasure from the icy water trickling down his throat. Not that pleasure was a felling he encountered a lot. Unless he was knee deep in the blood of his victims. Even that didn’t give a full emotion. He was only doing someone else’s dirty work. The wolf was emotionless, especially now his love had been taken from him. After replenishing his thirst the brute backed away from the water, he was about to turn and leave when his nares caught a scent. Immediately his body stiffened. How could he have been so stupid to not check his surroundings? The snake’s soldiers could have been lurking anywhere and where would that have got him. Killed. That’s what. Luckily it wasn’t a soldier. The scent was torn to bits within a few seconds and the lad knew everything about his next victim before he even spotted them. A female. Alone.

It wasn’t long before the devil spotted her. She was frolicking in the water like some over grown pup. But there was something about her that was different from most femme’s. Being a dedicated trainer himself it didn’t take him long to realise that she trained. Her body rippled with muscles that showed any idiot that she took no pleasure in being agile like most. Yes she was bigger for her gender but in comparison to him she looked like a weed. Lycaon was a monster in more ways than one. His body was made of pure muscle and to run into him would be like running into a stone cliff. It would not crumble nor break; instead you yourself would suffer great injury. He couldn’t understand why one with such power was acting so dumb and playing, leaving herself vulnerable. You would never find him doing something like that. In fact he couldn’t think of anything worse. Playing was for young wolves and immature wolves, not fighters or trainers.

The monster, eyes locked on target, moved towards the femme. He made sure to keep his distance and keep himself hidden. He didn’t make himself obvious. “Let’s see how good she is.” If she really was as good as she looked she would have no trouble in realising she was being watched. Although if she tried to attack, Lycaon would not retaliate. Yes he was a monster but hurting those who could not defend themselves and gave no reason to be attacked was despicable. That was against the rules.

Another approached her. The monsters lips curled back to show deadly ivories that could rip this wolf to shreds in seconds. But still he sat, hidden from all. He said nothing. He just sat where he was. Watching, waiting, willing the events to unfold.


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