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Let’s get started...
Each character must be joined in their own, separate thread.
Once posted, Staff will post to Approve the character. If there is anything that needs to be changed, Staff will let you know!

Bio Sheet
* denotes mandatory field
*Name: make sure it’s not already in use!
*Age: 0 – 25
*Gender: Male / Female

*Eye Color: be specific, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
*Appearance: must include height, weight and a detailed description of both their fur coloration and body type; include defining scars, etc here

Personality: feel free to skip, but this can be a good way to ‘introduce’ them!
History: what brings them to moladion? not mandatory but a fun way to explore your character!

Can imprint? important: you can only change imprintability status once unless ability is lost through ‘natural’ means

OOC Name:
Where can we contact you? Discord, deviantArt, etc.
Have you read, and agree to abide by, the rules?
What is the required ‘word minimum’ of Lunar Children?

New players must supply a sample post.
The sample post doesn’t need to be long but must abide the minimum word count. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce your character to other players and get to know the character yourself!

Return to Lunar Children

bang! bang! bang!





midnight blue eyes with an off gold ring around the left pupil

appearance: Abaddon stands at thrity-three inches tall, weighing in at one hundred and twenty-seven pounds. He's larger than his older sibling, Seren. He has more defined muscle to him than she does. He takes after his father's brutish looking build, a strong chest, build to be good at strength and endurance. However, the twin nature limits his ability to excel. All the while, He'll be an all around strong male. Living up to his father's figure, at least.

His coat is average, in length, thickness and touch. Nothing spectacular with it really. His coat color is slightly different however. He is an overall black, his chest and stomach are a mixture of mottled gold shades, the density of the gold is more so in his chest, and a fine spray of it against his stomach. A white 'splash' comes into play on his face. It starts underneath his chin, reaching up over his mouth to reach his nose. He takes after his mother in her black shades, along with his father's vivid gold colors. The white was an odity that came from his father's line.

personality: sotically silent and strong. Abaddon is a wonder really. He's smooth and sophisticated with his words, when he decides to grace other's ears with his vocals, which, if you heard his voice before seeing him, you'd picture him much larger than he is. His voice is a deep baritone, rough and scratchy, but all the while, it's a pleasant voice to hear. He's a bit rough around the edges, not much experiance with the ladies, other than his mother and sister. He's not too into being played with, so games dont go over well with him. He'd rather find his own way in life, but he knows too well.

imprint ablity? Yes.

Rules? Yes.

Words? Yes, 200.

It's Joey.

ʽ ʽ Abaddon
*of the fallen pair kaien x asanti
* black & gold
*no home

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