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Let’s get started...
Each character must be joined in their own, separate thread.
Once posted, Staff will post to Approve the character. If there is anything that needs to be changed, Staff will let you know!

Bio Sheet
* denotes mandatory field
*Name: make sure it’s not already in use!
*Age: 0 – 25
*Gender: Male / Female

*Eye Color: be specific, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
*Appearance: must include height, weight and a detailed description of both their fur coloration and body type; include defining scars, etc here

Personality: feel free to skip, but this can be a good way to ‘introduce’ them!
History: what brings them to moladion? not mandatory but a fun way to explore your character!

Can imprint? important: you can only change imprintability status once unless ability is lost through ‘natural’ means

OOC Name:
Where can we contact you? Discord, deviantArt, etc.
Have you read, and agree to abide by, the rules?
What is the required ‘word minimum’ of Lunar Children?

New players must supply a sample post.
The sample post doesn’t need to be long but must abide the minimum word count. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce your character to other players and get to know the character yourself!

Return to Lunar Children

+Angels fan the flames with their famed wings+ {one of six survivors}

NAME: Seraphiel

AGE: Three


EYE COLOR: Soft yet stunning sky blue flecked with deep violet.

APPEARANCE: As pure a white as fresh and untarnished snow, just as all his siblings before him. A band of scarlet, trimmed in black covers both eyes in a mask of sorts, this streak of red keeps going down either side of his face before ending at his cheeks. The streak on the right side of his face is a little longer than the one on the left before it ends. His fur is luxuriant and thick, and of average length though lengthens along his spine. Refined and handsome, like most of his lineage. He will be tall, like his father, well muscled and balanced between strength, power, speed, and agility. He is long-legged, as well as inherently graceful. 38 inches, 140 pounds.

PERSONALITY : Intelligent, and charismatic, he knows what to say and when, and when to act and when to wait, as well as persuede others to his side. {Still being built on.}



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