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I've Got Swag

"I've Got Swag"

Cobra was finally comfy in her nest of moss and feathers when she heard a voice call from within her cave. Cobra's hackles raised instantly. NO one knew of her home, her mother had worked so hard at keeping it perfectly hidden and Cobra ruined it. Jumping to her paws Cobra kept along side the wall of the cave toward the enterance to where the voice had called from. Hackles raised Cobra stepped out from the shadows infront of the boy, similar age to herself, teeth bared she let out a small growl. "Why are you in my cave...... Pack wolf." Cobra practicly spit. Pack wolfs had killed her father, mother had told her so. Backing up a tiny bit Cobra tryed to think of what to do next, she had never actually faught before. " T-take one step closer and I swear i- i- ill bite you." Cobra shok her head at her stupid choice of words, he was a pack wolf he was bound to know how to fight. Other rogues and rumors told her that packs forced there pups into hard training to become the mastor killers. Cobra's brave front was now officially over this cave only had one enterance and one exit, this wolf was standing right infront of it... she was totally stuck.


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