Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

I am the Masked Destroyer

I am the Masked Destroyer
Now is the time, now is the hour.
To take back my heart, to take back my power.
This is the moment to break your spell.
I see right through you,
Now burn in Hell, so long.

She chews happily, scenting someone nearby, but not truly caring who it was as she ate. The smell was familiar, and had she been in any other state of mind, she might have actually looked up to see who the wolf was. Female, familiar and alien to her, adult, healthy, not food. Jaidah pulls her head up, fangs firmly clamped on a thigh muscle as she strips the meat from bone. The snap of breaking sinew and the eery squish of meat being chewed could be heard as Jaidah growls a warning to the newcomer. She is not the same as she was before, she would have happily shared the meal with one who was hers, but this female is not. Vaguely aware of being circled around, Jaidah continues to eat, effectively ignoring the would-be thief as she feasted. That is, until the female spoke and memories began to drift in and out of the white demon's consciousness. Ruvindra. Her mind whispered, ghosts of things long since passed screamed as she allowed her jade gaze to follow the white creature before her.

"Share not, want not. Down the hole it goes, where it stops no one knows. You find yours in the black down there, pounce it like a little hare." A wicked smile breaks her blood stained maw as she looks up at Ruvindra. "Pretty girl, with a pretty name, you play our little game?" Her head cocks to the side, an open question about the white female's eating habits. She did recognize the girl, but as for if she cared, that was a different matter. Jaidah did not see value in any being, save for those she kept as her own. Another creature saunters up then, and the scent of death clings to her, warming the dead organ in Jaidah's chest. Her tail wags slightly as the little tag-along, the mad scientist of Jaidah's heart, moves in close to study the kill. The larger female watches as her "daughter" looks it over, laughing as she speaks about crushing the skull. "See they grey? Have fun, poke around, play."

Jaidah moves a broken fragment of the tiny pup's skull, revealing the blood covered pieces of brain within. How do creatures think when their grey matter is all wrinkled and jumbled up together? "Take a look at what's within, I even saved you furless skin" She beamed up at her scientist, her tail thumping happily as she does so. It isn't long before the screaming starts again and Jaidah's gaze goes blank as she returns to eating. She has removed the skin at this point, leaving the material at Seren's paws for the girl to play with. It is then that Fatality encroaches on the trio, tossing a pup at Ruvindra's paws. A bright smile crosses the white beasts lips as she looks up.

Scarred, her perfect body crisped to divinity by the aftermath that had followed fate's retribution. "You seem like a fairytale, Fae, fairy, sprite, demon, witch. Fatality, sister, mine, yours." Her tail waves behind her, laughter mixing with the scarred female's. Her own bright laughter bubbles from a genuine joy at seeing her friend, HER friend. It is not unlike the hyena bark, bubbling up from the depths of a ruined soul.

Abruptly, the laughter ceases, and Jaidah returns to eating, growling at any save Seren who ventured too closely to her meal.

I tricked you to fall in love, little boy.
I played with you 'til I was done, like a toy. Like a toy
Hard in love as I destroy the end of you. The end of me
So easily fooled, little boy, to think it's true, that I'm in love with you


female eleven hunted by no wolf stalker of no wolf loner apollymi x wotai


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