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Eye Colour: Glacial blue gradiating to a soft lavender colour around the pupil; they are quite haunting.

Body Type: This boy is a knockout! Handsome in every sense of the word, he holds an almost other wordly beauty - he is graceful and blessed with his father's refinement. His mother is obvious in his muscle mass which is slightly bulkier than his father though still lean and athletic; he won't be able to muscle his way out of every incident, but he has his father's speed and agility - he won't need to worry about being caught or any tight corners, that's for sure. His legs are long - perhaps an inch or two too long for his build - and set beneath smooth, robust shoulders. He has a relatively average chest - not too broad but not so narrow - and a tucked in waist. He is more beautiful than brutish with chiseled features and a graceful overall appearance. He is shorter than his father at around 38 inches, but weighs in at about 140lbs on a good day.

Fur Type: His fur is long, silky and luxurious like both his parents; it is thicker and slightly longer around his neck and along his spine - almost like a mane of sorts. There is a soft wave in the longer sections of his fur with a very dense, almost fluffy, undercoat.

Coat Colour: This boy's undercoat is the same snowy white as his father combined with the grey of his grandfather; the thick, longer fur is the same blue-ish black as his mother. The white and grey is more obvious on his undersides and around his neck, though black fur still light its way into the more densely white areas. He inherited his father's dorsal-like stripe that begins between his shoulders and extends to his lower back before tapering off at his tail; this patch is too thick to be considered a stripe but not quite a saddle. This is where the same dark crimson-esque furs of both his parents show through - the undercoat here is the coppery hue, whereas the longer furs remain black. During the day, he is quite brightly hued as the sun brings out both the white and crimson of his coat; however, at night, he is well hidden and quite ghost-like.

Nunc vitae felis leo. Nunc sed felis eu dolor pharetra pulvinar nec at nibh. Pellentesque a quam ut risus bibendum interdum. Etiam eget rutrum mi. Pellentesque id justo vitae tellus iaculis lacinia. Donec et ipsum quis nibh euismod varius vel in magna. Fusce consectetur viverra risus, sit amet laoreet leo tincidunt ac. Pellentesque volutpat molestie ipsum quis commodo. Maecenas convallis dolor ut magna pharetra eget mollis lacus molestie. Quisque et ipsum in enim dapibus fermentum. Proin tincidunt justo nec urna tincidunt ac dapibus ante euismod. Pellentesque laoreet interdum libero, sit amet pulvinar nisl pharetra adipiscing. Nam non vestibulum erat.

Maecenas sit amet est sed purus iaculis elementum. Vestibulum a faucibus neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque vel mauris ut ante facilisis tristique non ac diam. Aenean sit amet quam at nisl dignissim aliquam quis a diam. Phasellus sit amet libero justo, eu pellentesque risus. Vestibulum suscipit lectus vel risus cursus auctor. Mauris vel dignissim neque. Praesent eu tortor eu dui fermentum laoreet. In at libero ut dolor scelerisque facilisis.

Vivamus varius, mi ac sodales pharetra, diam lorem interdum lorem, eget sodales nunc quam eu risus. Proin sit amet risus a felis commodo elementum. Sed rutrum velit sit amet augue aliquam id blandit nisi suscipit. Aliquam condimentum est nec lacus iaculis euismod. Morbi quis magna a quam pretium egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec egestas auctor aliquet. Curabitur in justo dui, vel fringilla odio. Mauris enim purus, dictum eu fringilla ac, venenatis ac quam. Pellentesque feugiat lectus vitae turpis auctor commodo. Quisque massa sem, vulputate in aliquet at, ornare id nibh. Ut sodales mi eget nisl aliquam gravida. Ut porttitor malesuada ipsum sed rhoncus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin viverra ligula sed ipsum vestibulum eget vestibulum purus venenatis. Nulla vehicula tincidunt ipsum, suscipit elementum eros imperdiet in.

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