Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesRe(1): killer identified

Okay, new theory.

During dinner last night, Dale and I discussed what I saw and she was adamant that a RT hawk would never go after a bird.
So while I was certain that what I heard and saw was the RT going after a woodpecker, I now have doubts.

I definitely saw a RT hawk on Friday but it was more likely that it was going after a vole or some such near the house.
The woodpecker on the suet, already jumpy from having a SS or Cooper's hanging around, panicked and pinged off the window.
At the same time that happened, the RT flew up from the ground into the spruce having been unsuccessful at catching whatever it was after.

And my mind interpreted all that as I had first posted.

To support that:
Last night, after turning out the lights on the way to bed, I spent at least 5 minutes using the light from the nearly full moon checking out a possible flying squirrel.

At times I was positive that the lump was moving but now in the light of day I can see that the lump was just a clump of snow.

Maybe it's time to get new glasses.
Or a less vivid imagination.
Or maybe I should stop having wine with dinner.


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