The Lost Islands


The Prime Minister


The Codebreaker


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thinkers


The Politicians


The Warriors


The Trinkets



"None." - Leader

The Offspring

Cetus (Osmanthus x Axelle)
Pennywise (Jigsaw x Titan)


• The Vulcan Peak is where homeless mares come to live as a sisterhood. Stallions may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Warriors keep mainly to fighting, Thinkers keep mainly to raiding, and Politicians may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Codebreaker or Prime Minister for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Prime Minister maintains order within the Peak and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Peak works on the Rules page.

to the fates:

Impa chewed on her bottom lip. “I think Anath has had one child. Possibly more. She may seem harsh, Mouse, but our General is fiercely protective of this land and the mares in it. As I understand, her life has been hard. Some horses react to harshness by becoming as solid and impenetrable as this mountain.” Impa hoped she had not become like the mountain. The Peak was a noble symbol, yes, but to be as unwelcoming as the hard stone under her hooves and indifferent to the winds that blew around or over it was a frightening concept to Impazienza. She admired Anath, and cared about her, but she had no desire to be like the stony golden mare.

Still, in this matter they would share the fierceness that Impa had just mentioned. The black draft might have taken up position as a politician among the Vulcans, but that did not mean she was not willing to fight for her sisters. It was an odd thought, to be fighting for someone else. Every time Impa had engaged in a battle, it had been more of a tussle than anything else, and she had been timid and uncertain despite her size. But in all of those instances, she had fought for herself. Impa knew that this would be different. It was the lesson she had failed to pick up from her father as she watched him defend the herd, too captivated by his strength and determination to understand the driving force behind his actions. Fighting was not about the battle, but rather what you were fighting to protect. Kisei had always engaged in a battle to protect his home— any time he had not, it had ended poorly.

It occurred to her then that perhaps that was why Kisei had left her at Het Vuur’s mercy. She’d been aware, vaguely, that her sire had fought with the imposing friesian, but he’d never spoken of the battle. He’d just dropped her off in the Arch and vanished— as if he had been ashamed.

Impa felt gutted.

She turned her head to look at Mouse as her friend described the rapist, and she could feel fire fill her empty belly. “I am going to exact retribution,” she said, enunciating her words carefully. “And protect whoever else I can from him. If he has a herd, I will take them from him, and bring them here to safety.” She leaned forward and pressed her muzzle against the grulla’s healed shoulder. “I will make him regret ever hurting you, or anyone else, and make him think twice before he commits such a heinous deed again. I am going to teach him how to fear a mare, and to realize that all actions have consequences.”

Impa drew away, head lifted as she stared down the mountain path, her ears up and her nostrils flared as she drew in a deep breath. She felt adrenaline shiver through her body, and knew her rage would soon have her shaking. If she did not move, now, she would wear herself out through sheer inaction. Kisei’s daughter glanced at Mouse again. The sooner she got started, the sooner she could exact her punishment and return home to her sisters. With a dip of her chin to Mouse, Impa walked away, her stride lengthening to a purposeful trot as she descended from the Peak.

left eye blind.EEaaLplp.17.3hh.mare.

[I figure we can close this here/after you reply, unless you want to continue..? c: ]

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