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why don't you love me?

left on the sidelines - stuck at a red light - waiting for my time
and i cant see why don’t you love me?

               Bedwyr is the most average sized wolf in the four brothers band in height. He is an easy 37 inches tall and is built most like an average wolf. Considering that he is Jehu’s cousin and second cousin (Siegos and Wilflaed were half siblings, his mother and Jehu‘s were full sisters), it is a miracle that the golden boy isn’t a giant as well. Instead, he takes his fathers description by FATE that said he was the best well rounded wolf. He is picturesque in build, muscles dense and defined and almost can be seen beneath the less than lengthy coat. “Nothing to be done.”His mane and hackles are thick, sometimes almost leonine in appearance. His bones are thick but his legs are long which provides a strength and endurance while sacrificing speed. His agility is good for his size, but nothing like that of Weylin or Finley. He has a broad chest and strong haunches. His tail is a little more wispy than his body. All of this rounds him out to a decent 170 lbs.

The Quicksilver of Moladion

[ male - five - isola’s soulmate - guardian angel - diveen ]


i feel like a monster


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