I Will Not Bow%01 I Will Not Break - " />

Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


I Will Not Bow, I Will Not Break

Allegro was usually not the one to interact with girls, not like most boys who were players. Yes, he was an assassin, but he definetly wasnt the kind of person to rape a woman and leave her in the dust. Once his time came, he would protect mate and family with all his brutal strength. No one knew that side of him right now, and he would make sure no one ever would. But if, and when he got a mate, he'd have to keep it secret like being an assassin is his secret. So, then he'd be a holder of 2 secrets, no more than that. Yes, he was the holder of many burdens and charges (to say) of deaths, he could stand that.

He barely remembered his parents because once he was old enough to see, hear, smell, and hunt, they abandoned him to live on his own and keep the tradition of the classic assassin, but better. But the thing is, being an assassin, you kill the bad people, and he has focused on that only, and feeding himself. But still, he hunted more than what he needed just for the blood.

When the girl awoke from her sleep and jumped back at his words, he didn't know she was asleep. Instead of interrupting, he waited till the girl was finished. His amber optics noticed there was a difference in her appearance, and audits did notice a feeling nervousness in the air that tensed up. Not he who was nervous; it was the girl. 'But why would she be scared of me?' Kept repeating in his head, like a music box that kept going, playing the same tune.

"Well, you looked cold, but if you say so."

He started, sighing. But then he continued.

"It seems that I am misunderstood. 'Sir' i do not liked to be called. Though I am an adult, yes, I do not be deserved to even be called sir."

He continued, and he was telling the truth about it. Everything. Well, not exactly everytthing.

"Please call me Tempo- Allegro Tempo. My reason for interaction would have to be that basically I have no friends here and everyone's scared of me just because of my appearance. Plus, no one has challanged me for a while and I've been bored."

When she asked yet another question, he wasn't getting annoyed, but he was feeling a bit weird about it because it was like she was mocking him, asking questions back. Again, he waited for her to finish and didn't even realize he was being a gentleman, in a way.

"I like to hang out, looking at the morning sun every day to get me pumped up for the day. Now, I'm just being curious."

The next question of her's was stuttered, almost weak.But he could tell it was full of fear, and usually he was full of fear that something would happen that would ruin his reputation, like mates. There was one girl that he remembered loving so much when he was little, and they were basically best friends. All Allegro told was lies to keep his cover. And then when the girl asked him to be his mate, he had to refuse. He always wishes sometimes that never happened.

"I'm not going to do anything with you; but if I were to do something, I'd more likely protect you. Usually all my victims are male, so you shouldn't be scared or worried. I know what it feels like, fear. I lived through it basically my whole life and have built better from it."

He gave a gentle, calming smile like he always gave Miranda, his bud from when he was younger.

"I may look big and bad, but really, I'm not."


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