Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesGBBC

Great Backyard Bird Count

Essentially I do this every day of the year for my property - so long as I am not away.

The numbers for this weekend are pretty typical for this winter:

mourning dove: 13
downy: 3
hairy: 3
pileated: 1
blue jays: 42
raven: 1
chickadee: 9
wb nuthatch: 2
rb nuthatch: 1
starling: 4
common redpoll (both subspecies): 40
goldfinch: 3
evening grosbeak: 39

species that haven't yet appeared this weekend but have shown up fairly regularly over the winter:
turkey: 1
cooper's hawk: 1
rock pigeon: 1
hoary redpoll: 1

  • Wow!!!!! -

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