Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

nascent, nascent

Should he have simply left her to her own devices? He heard the yelp, as would have anybody in a broad radius of the area, and it had been what had alerted him. She was usually very good at disposal but it was turning out to be a very loud and messy affair. Too loud and far, far too messy. He could not allow Vidar's screeches and snarls of pain jeopardize their future and besides, he saw the boy as rather useful. His melancholy kept Vague busy and well, it kept Tesseract entertained and in time, he would become a good crutch for Ruvindra to lean on. No, he wasn't mad as he jogged with delicate foot work thickets, but he was irate with how long it was taking. He'd have to put an end to it and ensure the Vidar did not open his mouth when questioned about it. It was easily hidden - he was attacked by a stranger and saved by Caligula or, if he felt less inclined to lie, he was sparring with her and failed miserably. Both were believable and one would be the story he told lest he wish to keep his tongue.

The two were attached when he found them, Caligula's teeth sinking into the boy's useless eye and Tesseract found himself sighing as he entered their vicinity. He paused momentarily, his muscles crackling with anticipation as Vidar pulled himself away. Vidar was larger than he, taking on Vague's more... hefty figure but Tesseract had the upper hand of speed when it came to both the boy and Caligula. In the moment they pulled apart, he propelled his body forward, aiming to push his way in between the two; he dipped his body, slamming his weight and shoulder towards Vidar. It was doubtful that Tesseract's minimal weight would shove him too far away and he anticipated the feel of the boy's teeth in his nape but nonetheless, it was necessary. He swung his head to ensure a moments eye contact with Caligula before twisting back to face Vidar with a course snarl ripping from his throat.

"Stand down, the both of you," he hissed, pulling himself up straight and harshly nudging Caligula back to force between the two. He did not wish to use force on his beloved but it seemed as if he would have to; still, he managed to lick her affectionately beneath her jaw as he did so, his expression full of apology. It was for her that he had intervened - for her future and her standing - but not for Vidar. Vidar did not have too bright of a future in Tesseract's eyes; not an heir, not a King... just another.

"There is use to him, my love. He keeps Vague passive and compliant, not to mention he will become useful if that old man ever tries to stop us," he spoke quietly into her ear as he remained between the two. As he pulled away, he gripped her muzzle ever so gently in mate ship before twisting his neck to face Vidar.

"And Vidar, you are not to leave yet. Come, let me assess your injuries - I remember some healing from the days of Trenus," his voice remained cool, even as his vision ran the length of the younger male. Admittedly, Caligula had done quite a good job on the boy but it had not been clean or quick enough. "Now tell me, what happened?"

There was malice in his voice that time, his gaze narrowing slightly and lip quivering for a moment before he composed his features into their usual flatness. A trick question if you would for he knew exactly what had taken place, but perhaps Vidar did not know how such games were played. The truth would do them all more harm than a lie though he imagined Vidar would pay for it much, much worst. He may have fared well enough against one of them... but two?


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