Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesRe(1): The wheels on the bus...

This was posted on Mark Spurr's Facebook page:
The other morning, it was cold and crisp. I was tooling back home from school in my bus {after letting the kids off}. County Rd. 35 from Victoria Rd. to Uphill is a mystical journey, as it was on this cool day. Plumes of powder follow me as I asend from Victoria Rd. onto the plain. Drifting forward, this frozen plain seems to me, a savana. Snake rail fences, stark vistas, and gnarly trees give me images of lion, Zebra, and giraffes too! Cheetahs race me.
Plunging down from the frozen plain, down into the twisty bits towards Uphill, diving into the cedar bush, I crest a blind hill. Below me, like brakes, are four full grown moose, chillin in the middle of the road. Canadian lanky legged hippos, as it were. As their dark shadows step aside into the bush, I glide by, gleaming all the way home, down this everyday road. God bless.


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