
There are no mistakes, just learning opportunities!
Got a fancy new code you want to test? Want to experiment with some new colours? Here’s where you can get messy, get the wrinkles ironed out and polish your posts to perfection!
You can also ‘store’ your codes here for future use or editing.
Need some help finding the problem, or want some fresh eyes? Don’t be afraid to ask! Just remember to set a password for your posts so you can edit them and remember to close your tags. Happy coding!

Theft is not tolerated here at Lunar Children and that includes HTML, so be sure to get permission if the source doesn’t explicitly state that it’s free to use.

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Posting guide.


Posting on Boards2go can be quite confusing for those not used to the layout - the boards themselves are quite different to those found on other forums. However, this guide will explain the basics of not only the boards' layouts and functions but also on how to post using them. Let us begin!


You will notice the layout of each board is relatively the same - a header and the main body. The image below displays "The Outer Rim;" we will explore the board's layout starting from this.

Figure 1:

This is the board's header. In pack lands, the header is a list of the pack's hierarchy - on the "Travel" boards, it is a general outline for what the area looks like. As we can see, the Outer Rim is described (briefly) as encircling the entire crater - overlooking it from every angle and offers flat, grassy landscapes to dense forests and rocky plains. What does this mean? It means these are the types of environments you can use in your posts. The header is there to give you a little outline on what settings you could use - each board, you will find, has different settings.

Figure 2

Figure 2 represents two links that you will find on each board - they are relatively self explanatory. "Post a New Message" will allow you to post a completely new thread; it is not the same as replying. The "Search" feature allows you to search for a specific post by either character name, words in the post etc. This can come in handy if you are wanting to know what another character is like or just for general curiosity.

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows the list of threads currently active on your chosen board. As you can see, they are not in chronological order - this is because the board is set up to 'bump' (push up) the most active threads to the top of the board. Each post is in character - dealings with OOC business is tended to in either the Chatango (Cbox) or on the OOC boards. You can either reply to any of the threads on the board or post your own.

Replying to a Post

We will now look at posting a reply to an already made thread. We will be using Orca's post as displayed at the top of the board in response to Camelot and Sleekwing. Just start by clicking on the post you wish to respond to.

Figure 4

This is the body of the post (although cropped in this image.) This post in particular utilises custom HTML and images made by/for the player. Below it, however, is the reply form. It is often a good idea to ensure you are on the final post in the thread so that you do not accidentally post in the wrong order; to do so, just check that is says "There have been no replies" above the form.

Figure 5

Now, we will go step by step through the form.

Name: Your character's name! If you use custom HTML, such as italics, bold or font colours, just ensure that you close your tags. If you need Help for HTML, please check the guide on the Resources link.

Subject: The subject line of your post - a lot of people will use quotes, short lines from lyrics or poems etc for their character; these lines are often used for each in character post. Of course, this is not necessary and your subject line can practically be whatever you want. Once again, you can use italics, bold and font colours - just remember to close your tag! It is highly advised to not use images in your subject line.

Message: This is where the main body of your post will go. If you have HTML or images for your character, this is where it will go too. Often, people will use bold or different colours to represent when their character is speaking in their post. Of course, this is up to you. If you would like HTML help or a unique table made for your character, feel free to head over to our Studio and request it.

Password to Edit Post: It is highly advised to use a password on all your posts so that you may edit any errors you might make. It also makes it useful to retrieve HTML etc if you lose it otherwise. Try to use a password that you will remember easily and consistently.

Preview Post: Hitting this button will show you what your post will look like when posted; this is a good chance to see if there are any HTML or tag errors and to fix them.

Post: Self explanatory! This will post your message to the board. It will first take you to a page that shows a CAPTCHA code (displayed below) - you must type in the letters and numbers correctly before the message will successfully post. This is Boards2go's way of ensuring that you are not a spambot.

Above: A CAPTCHA code.

Posting a New Message

If you would like to post your own thread, then simply follow the same steps above but rather than clicking on an active thread, simply press "Post a New Message" on the board's main page. And voila! You have successfully learned how to post using Boards2go's layout. While still quite different to Proboards and other forums, it is quite easy to get a hang off once you get started. Now go fill those boards!


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Post a reply:
Password To Edit Post:

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