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News 03.28.20

Get with me if you want to move up in rank. I'm going to change up the pack tasks for a little change of pace.

Congratulations to Adrian on her promotion to Governess. She will handle the guidance and teaching of our young pups in Iromar.

If you have a ^ next to your name, that means you're up for promotion so see me or send me a message on Discord so we can see where to move you. All others interested in specializing or getting a rank, let me know so we can figure out how to make that happen.

The pack board has been updated. If you wanted to remain a member, let me know either on here or Discord and I'll get you back on the board. Otherwise, let's have a thread!

I know I had a couple replies for the training with Spirane so I will be starting that thread soon. Stay tuned!

I am still working on an alliance with Diveen and Asteraia so stay tuned. If you have any information or would like to help, please let me know. If anyone has any ideas to promote activity within the pack, also, let me know. I am open for plots and such! Meanwhile, thank you all for your continued support of the pack.

- - Avery

+ = Pregnant | ^ = Pending Promotion | Away | /Captive\

Return to Lunar Children
I'll laugh last cause' you came to die

nine years;hungers for none;blood-bound to Ruvindra

The breeze made the call lift to my ears, it twisted around in echoes about my ears, before they flattened flat to my skull, and the beginnings of a devil’s snarl rumbled in my chest. I moved through the mists of my home, silent and blurring in and out of focus. I lift my head and catch the unfamiliar scents riding the wind as it dances with the mists, before roaming off to faraway lands and distant wolves. I was not happy in the least, and I would make my displeasure known. They will learn who I am and what I am, and what I am by bloodline. Those who will try to rule over me and those that are mine will be dead, or maybe they will simply disappear as I banish them away into the recesses of my memory like some bad dream not worth the time or effort. The only one who will control me is Ruvindra. She can tighten my leash and keep me chained, and yet all that takes is a few words, and she has me trapped with her will and command, every word she spoke is law, when she chooses to trap me under her paw. She has full control over my heart, she has full control over my soul, she controls this devil in angel’s clothes. They better pray to whoever it is they worship that they haven’t taken what is mine from me. My fur rises as I come into the outer circle of the gathering, eyes only on the form of Ruvindra, and I make my way to her side.

I am uncertain and it gnaws and chews on my heart, even as I am so close to her and I’m in the place I’m meant to be. I draw my tongue over my lips and keep my gaze carefully on my paws as my mind screams and churns. Her perfume surrounds me, the one I’ll ever succumb too, and my gaze eventually lifts to this new wolf in charge, my ears still flat to my skull and my fur still bristled. Her aroma threads into my own, and indeed this is the way it should be, my eyes locked rebelliously to this new alpha, the pale sky blue challenging, and in truth that will never subside. I want to rip him to pieces and tear and snap, want to howl a call to war and one that I would win. I know that I could win that war, that my howl will be the one that those beneath this new alpha would fear, one that would compel them to obey. As it is I hold my place like a good little pet, ears flat and fur bristled and eyes challenging, tail giving a single stiff swing at the closeness of Ruvindra, before I force my fur to smooth back over and my muscles to loosen up, though my eyes still retain their challenge. One step closer and the fur would bristle again and the growl would bubble forth, and I cannot say what would happen if my limits are tested. If any of them came closer I will fight them and snap their brittleness, they would all fall, the blood would flow, and I would do it all for Ruvindra, everything I do it is all for her. It’s like a fire that’s confined to my veins, like a storm confined to my head, a heavy shroud of clouded red mist, a deep raging primal urge. Without Ruvindra I would be empty. There would be an ache in my chest, where Ruvindra had dug herself into and clasped his heart between her open jaws. I have memorized her scent, I have memorized the way she looks no matter the weather or visibility rate. I remember how her touch feels, the way her voice sounds, the way she smells. She smells of the mist, of fresh waters, clean fur, and of aquatic herbs.

I am here. I hold my position and very, very slowly look at the others gathered, never lingering on one more than the other, no one longer than the other, I hadn’t come for them. I would never come for them, they do not hold my heart, none of them look worth my my time, not even worth a second. I inhale a deep breath, filling my senses and lungs with Ruvindra’s scent. My heart. My pale sky eyes glimmer with the demonic crimson that swirled around the pupils, my head lifts as I’m sure my lineage shows, my moonsilver and black and russet coat standing out amongst the horde of black wolves. It shines and glimmers amongst these dull blacks, glinting and shimmering like a silver coat, yes let’s see who likes this devil in angel’s clothes, with murder in my eyes.


I'll make you wish you had a soul to sell
I make the Angel scream and the Devil cry


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Pretty simple, Alpha of Iromar. Ultimate authority. What I say, goes.
The 'Co-Alpha'. He is her equal and has all the same authorities as she does. He is be respected and can take challenges and block steals.
The Beta of Iromar. The most trusted wolf under the Alpha. Has all the same authorities of the Monarch in her absence. Second in command. Can block steals and take challenges.
The advisor to the Monarch. One who's wisdom is often sought in matters of politics and war. Not necessarily an elder but someone the Monarch looks up to.
The head warrior of Iromar. Shows the most skill in combat and has experience to back it up. Trains the soldiers and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head hunter of Iromar. Shows the most skill in hunting and providing for the pack. Tasked with leading pack hunts and teaching the pups of the pack at designated times. Trains the hunters and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head healer of Iromar. Skilled in herbs and emergency medicine. Tasked with checking on the Monarch/Deputy after a challenge and also keeping up with mothers around birthing time. Trains the healers and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head diplomat in Iromar. Skilled in matters of politics and conversation. Intelligent and witty, this wolf keeps the pack together as one while reaching out to potential allies for support. Council is their direct supervisor. Trains the diplomats and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The guardian of offspring in Iromar. Skilled as a warrior and alert as a scout, this wolf is tasked with probably one of the most important jobs in Iromar, protecting the future of the pack and Moladian. They can watch the litter while the parents are off doing tasks, hunting, or just enjoying some quiet time. Can serve as guides for the pups, like having a full time guardian. Trains the teachers and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head spy in Iromar. Skilled in maneuverability and blending in, this wolf must be a shadow when called upon. Tasked with finding out information about other packs or wolves when called upon, this wolf must be quick as well as witty, able to make anyone believe anything. Also serves as a thief when the need arises. Trains the spies and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head story teller of Iromar. This wolf has done their research on all things Iromar and Moladian. They can give a good history lesson or spin a tale on demand when the younger minds call for distraction. Able to captivate an audience. May even help with speeches for the Monarch when necessary. No one to train but the pups or even adults of Iromar when they have questions or curiosity about the past. This wolf may even be called upon by the Council at times. Can block steals.
The seer of Iromar. This is a special rank made specifically for a wolf with "the sight." Consider her an advisor/spy of sorts for the alpha and rest of the pack. She/he can gather intel from outside or supernatural forces. You don't have to believe in the magic of this ability for any wolf with this rank will be respected as a ranked member of the pack. Can block steals.
Warriors- Members of the Iromar army. Skilled in combat and overseen by the Trooper.
Hunters- Providers for Iromar. Skilled in scavenging and hunting.
Healers- Doctors of Iromar. Skilled in herbs and emergency medicine for those in need.
Diplomats- Extroverts of Iromar. Skilled in politics and overall conversation.
Spies- Scouts and thieves of Iromar. Skilled in blending in and masking themselves when called upon.
Teachers- Guardians of the youth of Iromar. Skilled in defense and culture. They shape the young minds of the future.
Children-The pups of Iromar. To be cherished as they are precious for the future of the land. Shape them and mold them into something we can all be proud of.
Members- Overall pack members of Iromar. Not specialized in a particular field yet but just as important to the population.
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