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News 03.28.20

Get with me if you want to move up in rank. I'm going to change up the pack tasks for a little change of pace.

Congratulations to Adrian on her promotion to Governess. She will handle the guidance and teaching of our young pups in Iromar.

If you have a ^ next to your name, that means you're up for promotion so see me or send me a message on Discord so we can see where to move you. All others interested in specializing or getting a rank, let me know so we can figure out how to make that happen.

The pack board has been updated. If you wanted to remain a member, let me know either on here or Discord and I'll get you back on the board. Otherwise, let's have a thread!

I know I had a couple replies for the training with Spirane so I will be starting that thread soon. Stay tuned!

I am still working on an alliance with Diveen and Asteraia so stay tuned. If you have any information or would like to help, please let me know. If anyone has any ideas to promote activity within the pack, also, let me know. I am open for plots and such! Meanwhile, thank you all for your continued support of the pack.

- - Avery

+ = Pregnant | ^ = Pending Promotion | Away | /Captive\

Return to Lunar Children
I could be a shadow

I am not often drawn to much. I am a creature who melds with shadow, with body and mind. I become nothing but the darkness, blank and meaningless. Lacking of light and full of mystery. I am a creature that has found no meaning to this life, no purpose and I truly think there is none. There is nothing to this life and we are all just here. Our souls are dropped here from above and we are left until we die. That is it. All the inbetween, there was nothing to it. So substance. Just constant suffering. Constant upkeep of the body and mind. Our bodies demand to eat and drink and there is never any true peace. Creatures feast on each others flesh and there is no true peace. The earth is a place of tortured soul, our happiness always tempoary but the suffering is forever until death. But for what reason? There is no and it drives me mad, so mad that I spiral down into the deepest and darkest of pits in the soul, pits unfathomable to the mind and yet it makes me so very empty.

I do not know what drives me to follow, this group that I follow. I am nothing like the angels that lead us. I am a pathetic scrap of fur. I am a creature of shadow and silver, a form so lithe with legs grown oh so long. My fur of black never seems to be clean, never seems to be anything but tinged with dirt. There is no shine to my fur in the sun. It is dull like my very soul. No one is impressed if they saw me, for I do not follow directly. I take the shadows on the way there. The shadows were my only friend until...until Azrael took me from my Iromar home, the place where we run to today. It is Azrael I follow. I am...curious to say the least. He feels so stronger. He feels. I don't understand completely what he feels. I see the shape of his eyes, they seem to morph into orbs of rage that are unexplainable by words themselves. I wonder if the rage is feels is what I felt towards Caligula when she ripped up my golden eye, already useless from brith but still made to feel pain. She also ripped a large hole in my throat and would have surly done more if given the chance. I somehow think Azrael felt much more deeply than I did in that moment. It is..strange. I feel nothing now. It was only in those moments of pain. It was instinctual, and only when provoked. Otherwise, I am blank. I am like a painting of water the sands, an artist may apply the paint but it always evaporates away into nothing. I am the sand, my emotions are the water. Without it i am nothing.

Yet I follow closely, likely unknown in the my strange hidden path. I bein to smell the stinch of Iromar and I wonder...I wonder. As we get close the smell of other creatures fill my nostrils. My mother. Ruvindra. Her scent was not strong. It was the scent of others that marked the borders of Iromar, that blow in the cold and cruel winds. I do not know what happened to her. I wonder if she is even alive. That is why I came. Azrael...his mate had been taken. I only know of the term mate, the one he seems so attached to. She had been taken from him...and she was with child. Was this revenge from my father or mother for stealing me? Why is there foreign scent? None of it made sense, yet if it was my Mother or Father who did this, I would set it straight. I would. Little did I know the truth of the matter. The scents gave it away but I was still not completely sure. My mother was likely no longer in rule.

When the trio of angels stopped at the border I still waited behind. I am not one to be the center of attention. I am curious, perhaps bored with my typical mindless wandering. I wait and my golden eyes is taken aback by the giant male who comes to the border, his body so obviously showing dominance, an alpha stature, and a male so large. I am only two years of age, I am a tall and leggy boy but my ultimate height will surly still be under his. This is when I listen...I listen to them all. Heyel, the black and red male, Isola. Yet my eyes are drawn towards the distressed and angered Azrael. He is the first to reach out to me, the first to even try. I think I...dislike seeing him like that. It is something I must fix. I listen and I learn. I know his mate was stolen and she is in the lands of Iromar, from their foreign wolves. I do not know what they want, these wolves. I do not understand why they took Azrael's mate. Isola wants the return of Andromeda and I freeze. I do not know what these Iromar wolves want but, I must do what I can to let her free. If it is a prisoner they want, they can have me. I will take her place and offer myself as a sacrifice. Life is already a thing of hell and suffering for me. I feel the pain of my eye still, the pain of my neck. I see how others, they have thesse emotions I don't have and I somehow acknowledge it is more important than I. If anything, all others were more important than I, somehow, in this meaningless void of life.

I hardly doubt any of them knew I was here in the first place. Azrael was so enraged. I could almost see the heat coming off his body from here. I push past my cover, the ugly thing I am now. I push past and with my head relatively low. I step past Heyel, I step past Azrael, Chance, and Fathom. My golden eye is fixed on the ground as I even walk past Isola, coming to an abrupt stop between here and Baphomet. His female, Ishtar seems to be inviting but I know better. I expect to get battered and bruised in Iromar. My demon sister lives here. I do not care. I am here to offer myself. My tail hangs low, no movement can be seen from it. I stand for a moment in silence staring a the ground. Words. They are difficult for me. I take in a breath of cold air. They know not who I am, that I am Ruvindra's son. Not like it would matter anyway.

"Me. Andromeda...Take me. Andromeda let go. I offer self, I prisoner," I say, softly but with confidence in my growing deep voice. Only after I speak do I lift my one good eye to look at Baphomet, then to Ishtar, my ears pinning back. I do not know what will happen. I fully expect cruelty from any wolf from Iromar if they are anything like Caligula. They may just laugh in my face and tell me to fuck off. Or maybe they will take me as their prisoner in exchange for Andromeda. It is worth a chance anyway. I just want to help Azrael...I just want...something...
Two Years - Loved by None - Following Everchime

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Pretty simple, Alpha of Iromar. Ultimate authority. What I say, goes.
The 'Co-Alpha'. He is her equal and has all the same authorities as she does. He is be respected and can take challenges and block steals.
The Beta of Iromar. The most trusted wolf under the Alpha. Has all the same authorities of the Monarch in her absence. Second in command. Can block steals and take challenges.
The advisor to the Monarch. One who's wisdom is often sought in matters of politics and war. Not necessarily an elder but someone the Monarch looks up to.
The head warrior of Iromar. Shows the most skill in combat and has experience to back it up. Trains the soldiers and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head hunter of Iromar. Shows the most skill in hunting and providing for the pack. Tasked with leading pack hunts and teaching the pups of the pack at designated times. Trains the hunters and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head healer of Iromar. Skilled in herbs and emergency medicine. Tasked with checking on the Monarch/Deputy after a challenge and also keeping up with mothers around birthing time. Trains the healers and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head diplomat in Iromar. Skilled in matters of politics and conversation. Intelligent and witty, this wolf keeps the pack together as one while reaching out to potential allies for support. Council is their direct supervisor. Trains the diplomats and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The guardian of offspring in Iromar. Skilled as a warrior and alert as a scout, this wolf is tasked with probably one of the most important jobs in Iromar, protecting the future of the pack and Moladian. They can watch the litter while the parents are off doing tasks, hunting, or just enjoying some quiet time. Can serve as guides for the pups, like having a full time guardian. Trains the teachers and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head spy in Iromar. Skilled in maneuverability and blending in, this wolf must be a shadow when called upon. Tasked with finding out information about other packs or wolves when called upon, this wolf must be quick as well as witty, able to make anyone believe anything. Also serves as a thief when the need arises. Trains the spies and serves as their direct supervisor. Can block steals.
The head story teller of Iromar. This wolf has done their research on all things Iromar and Moladian. They can give a good history lesson or spin a tale on demand when the younger minds call for distraction. Able to captivate an audience. May even help with speeches for the Monarch when necessary. No one to train but the pups or even adults of Iromar when they have questions or curiosity about the past. This wolf may even be called upon by the Council at times. Can block steals.
The seer of Iromar. This is a special rank made specifically for a wolf with "the sight." Consider her an advisor/spy of sorts for the alpha and rest of the pack. She/he can gather intel from outside or supernatural forces. You don't have to believe in the magic of this ability for any wolf with this rank will be respected as a ranked member of the pack. Can block steals.
Warriors- Members of the Iromar army. Skilled in combat and overseen by the Trooper.
Hunters- Providers for Iromar. Skilled in scavenging and hunting.
Healers- Doctors of Iromar. Skilled in herbs and emergency medicine for those in need.
Diplomats- Extroverts of Iromar. Skilled in politics and overall conversation.
Spies- Scouts and thieves of Iromar. Skilled in blending in and masking themselves when called upon.
Teachers- Guardians of the youth of Iromar. Skilled in defense and culture. They shape the young minds of the future.
Children-The pups of Iromar. To be cherished as they are precious for the future of the land. Shape them and mold them into something we can all be proud of.
Members- Overall pack members of Iromar. Not specialized in a particular field yet but just as important to the population.
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